ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang, membuat dan menguji Prototipe Sistem Pengisian BBM Menggunakan RFID Sebagai Alat Pembayaran Berbasis IoT untuk mengganti sistem pembayaran pada SPB…
The retina is the most important part of the human eye. Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disorder that can cause complications that trigger blockages in the blood vessels in the retina of the eye. Th…
Diabetic retinopathy can be diagnosed with an examination called a funduscopy. Funduscopy itself is an examination of the eye to detect disease accurately. Because diabetic retinopathy is a progres…
In recent decades, facial recognition systems have been the subject of frequent research in the field of computer vision. The system has been used in several fields, such as smartphones for face lo…
A control system has been designed to determine the amount of salt mixture that will be used as a power plant test load with fuzzy logic control. Power plant testing aims to find out how well a pow…
A hydroponic nutrient control system has been designed for spinach plants using the fuzzy logic method. This system function to add nutrients (EC). This system will be active when the EC value in t…
This research aims to analyze the changes on commercial aircraft accidents and fatalities graphs per year, before and after ICAO establishment, to see how effective ICAO’s role as an internationa…
Brute Force is one of the most frequently used methods by hackers in cyber crimes. To find out which variable features have the most significant role in the brute force dataset, it is necessary to …
Teknologi pada sektor pangan di era sekarang masih sangat perihatin. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan teknologi pada sektor pangan agar dapat mempermudah manusia dalam mendapatkan pangan yang lebih baik…
Multi robot merupakan robot yang terdiri dari beberapa robot yang saling terhubung serta dapat berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi satu sama lain untuk menyelesaikan suatu tujuan dengan kesamaan fisik …
Cervical pre-cancer is the initial occurrence of cancer and referred to as cervical lesions and carcinoma (CA). Before the formation of pre-cancerous cells (lesions), abnormal cells appear on the c…
Aquaculture is a place where pond farmers cultivate one of which is vaname shrimp cultivation. Manual feeding has always been done. What is lacking in manual feeding is human nature which sometimes…
Bank Sumsel Babel semula Satuan yang disebut Unit Usaha Syariah berubah menjadi Divisi Usaha Syariah yang merupakan kesungguhan komitmen Direksi untuk mengembangkan operasional bisnis berbasis syar…
Solar energy is energy in the form of light and heat from the sun. This energy will produce electrical energy using photovoltanic (PV). The electrical energy generated can be utilized on the Self-b…
Fingerprint-Based Motorcycle Security) using fingerprint is a security system designed to secure and prevent motorcycle theft in public parking areas. Technological advances continue to grow rapidl…
The focus of this research is to design a prototype of a motorized vehicle safety system using a Student Identification Card (KPM). Along with the increase in criminal acts on motorized vehicles, o…
At the end of 2019 until the beginning of 2020 there was a new virus, more precisely an infection, Indonesia carried out the first report on March 02, 2020, the government quickly suspended activit…
In Indonesia, especially in big cities, the number of motorized vehicles is increasing. The increase in the number of vehicles, especially in big cities, makes congestion an important problem that …
Leaky heart disease is a disease of heart valve abnormalities. Diseases called congenital heart defects, are abnormalities in the structure of the heart from birth. This method of examining congeni…
Tugas akhir merupakan karya tulis ilmiah yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa dengan bimbingan dosen pembimbing, dalam prosesnya diperlukan kertas, dan waktu yang banyak. Dari hal tersebut muncul permasalaha…
Saat ini angka penyebaran COVID-19 semakin meningkat, sehingga diperlukan sistem untuk mengurangi penyebaran COVID-19. Salah satu tempat instansi yang tak terkecuali adalah instansi tempat kegiatan…
Intrusion detection system (IDS) which is a system for detecting traffic in a network, but the weakness of this IDS can only detect and provide alerts without responding if there is an attack packe…
In the power distribution system, ground faults and lightning strikes are the most common causes of disturbances. This interference will cause the hazard to rise or fall, endanger people's lives an…
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dari waktu ke waktu mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat, hal ini terlihat dari investasi yang di hasilkan dan terjadinya interaksi sosial antara teknologi deng…
Face recognition system is a branch of biometric science that is useful for identifying someone based on their physical characteristics, in this case their face. In general, face recognition system…
High availability cluster is the ability of the system to increase the availability of services provided by a cluster. The high availability process is when the main server cannot provide services,…
The attendance system is an activity carried out in every institution such as education and offices. With the attendance system, it can increase discipline for everyone and for the institution it s…
The focus of this research is to use a Juniper switch, by applying Virtual Local Area Network technology. Along with the development of computer networks, it is necessary to develop a network that …
Retina adalah lapisan tipis di bagian belakang bola mata yang peka terhadap cahaya. Pembuluh darah retina berfungsi untuk mensuplai darah dan oksigen ke jaringan retina. Jika terjadi gangguan pada …