This book provides solution for challenges facing engineers in urban environments looking towards smart development and IoT. The authors address the challenges faced in developing smart application…
This volume presents a parametric, packet-based, comprehensive model to measure and predict the audiovisual quality of Internet Protocol Television services as it is likely to be perceived by the u…
This book documents some of the most recent advances on the physical layer of the Internet of Things (IoT), including sensors, circuits, and systems. The application area selected for illustrating …
The book includes selected high-quality research papers presented at the Third International Congress on Information and Communication Technology held at Brunel University, London on February 27–…
This textbook presents an end-to-end Internet of Things (IoT) architecture that comprises of devices, network, compute, storage, platform, applications along with management and security components…
This book provides an insight into IoT intelligence in terms of applications and algorithmic challenges. The book is dedicated to addressing the major challenges in realizing the artificial intelli…
This book provides a comprehensive review of how digital communication technology can help families network and communicate across generations, despite differences in family composition, residentia…
Agriculture in Indonesia is one of the fields that is a resource and is so important in people's lives. However, there are many aspects that need to be considered in managing agriculture in order t…
CV. Maju Makmur is a trading entity that focuses on selling agricultural products, especially rice or rice harvests. In its activities, there are still many obstacles, namely, the transaction proce…
The library of SDN 1 Sukaramah, Mesuji Makmur District, Ogan Komering Ilir District has a large number of books. Then a problem arises, if the user does a manual search on each bookshelf, it takes …
Pernikahan merupakan hubungan antara perempuan dan laki – laki yang paling sakral dan mulia. Sehingga setiap pasangan akan melakukan persiapan yang total untuk menghadapi pernikahan. Maka dari it…
Website yang dimiliki di beberapa universitas memiliki fungsi sebagai repositori untuk menampung tugas akhir mahasiswa. web yang menggunakan ontology web language diharapkan menjadi solusi dalam pr…
Sekarang semakin banyak munculnya website baru, maka tingkat traffic Cybercrime akan semakin meningkat juga. Cybercrime adalah tindak kejahatan yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi komputer…
This book explores recent advances in the Internet of things (IoT) via advanced technologies and provides an overview of most aspects which are relevant for advance secure, distributed, decentraliz…
This final project was carried out with the aim of creating an OQODA Laundry website application. In the laundry the recording process transactions made still not yet good. Based on problem require…
Untuk memahami konsep antarmuka, kiranya perlu diketahui bagaimana cara berkomunikasi dengan komputer, pemanfaatan sumber daya komputer seperti kanal serial,kanal paralel serta konsep dasar data ak…
In The Qur'an there are 114 surahs and 6236 verses, so it is not easy to search for words manually. Most of the search system available today uses Arabic alphabet or exact string matching technique…
Change.org is a media that refers to policy advocacy and platforms that relate to the community in certain matters relating to the community in adjusting public policies that are considered inappro…