The number of cases of mental disorders in Indonesia continues to increase and has an impact on decreasing human productivity in the long term. The most common mental disorders were hallucinations,…
Sectio caesarea mengakibatkan timbulnya rasa nyeri pada seluruh pasien, nyeri yang dirasakan ini membuat ibu melahirkan dengan indikasi sectio caesarea merasakan tidak nyaman, menyebabkan terganggu…
Coronavirus Disease-19 (Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new type of coronavirus. Some patients who are exposed to Covid-19 do not show any symptoms. These typo of patient can undergo…
Balita Masa balita merupakan masa yang rentan karena pada masa ini balita mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang optimal yang berlangsung cepat dan tidak akan pernah terulang kembali (golden a…
Remaja merupakan peralihan anak anak ke dewasa pada rentang usia 10-18 tahun. Tahap ini ialah tahap dalam pencarian identitas yang mana remaja dapat menyebabkan masalah yang melampaui batas seperti…
The prevalence of stunting in Indonesia has been high in the range of 30-40%. The prevalence of stunting in Ogan Ilir Regency in 2013 reached 32.67% and in 2019 it increased to 35,56%. The majority…
The problem of overweight round the world continues to increase rapidly. The prevalence of overweight in indonesia in the adolescent age group was 19.1 % 26.3% and 35.4% in 2007, 2013 and 2018 resp…
Hipertensi pada umumnya tidak memiliki tanda atau gejala yang khas, sehingga sering kali penderita hipertensi tidak menyadari adanya masalah kesehatan atau peningkatan tekanan darah sampai terjadi …
Hospitalisasi pada anak merupakan pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan yang dapat menimbulkan perasaan cemas. Perasaan cemas muncul karena saat menjalani hospitalisasi anak menghadapi lingkungan yang…
Thalassemia disease and routine treatment for a long period of time in children with thalassemia cause various complications such as enlarged liver and lymph, growth problems, delayed puberty, and …
Decreased oxygen saturation in patients with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) occurs due to oxygen pressure decrease in venous which is caused by the disruption of perfusion and ventila…
In middle or elementary school age children often do negative behavior, namely aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior carried out by children is in the form of physical or verbal aggression, phys…
The preparation of the nursing process is one of the main tasks for nurses, this task is expected to be able to carry out nursing actions or interventions independently. The preparation of the nurs…
Background: Neonatal deaths due to infection accounted for 57.1% of the many neonatal mortality rates in Indonesia, including umbilical cord infections tetanus neonaturum by 9.5%. Umbilical cord in…
Background: Acute respiratory distress sydrome (ARDS) is a special form of respiratory failure characterized by obvious hypoxemia and cannot be treated with conventional treatments. Although this c…
Background: Pregnancy is the growth and development of an intrauterine fetus starting from conception and ending until the beginning of labor. Changes in the musculoskeletal system that occur durin…
Dementia is a condition associated with impaired cognitive function that affects a person's ability to perform physical activity. Dementia that occurs in the elderly can cause forgetfulness, hostil…
Data from previous research shows problems in the nursing process, especially at the stage of nursing diagnosis and planning. The nursing care plan includes diagnosis, interventions and outcomes. T…
Pain in labor that can affect the birth process itself. During the first stage of labor, pain will arise due to the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, hypoxia of muscles that contract, cervi…
Background: Schizophrenia is a persistent and serious brain disease that can cause sufferers to have psychotic problems, concrete thinking, and difficulties in information processing, interpersonal…
Most of the breast cancer patients undergo chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy can cause side effect for patient both physically and psychologically therefore patient really need family help to ov…
Type II diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that will be suffered for life and cannot be cured but can be controlled so that complications do not occur. Commitment is needed for people with diab…
Baby blues is a feeling of sadness and anxiety experienced by women after giving birth until day 14 and peaks on days three to five. When the baby blues is not resolved, it will develop be postpart…
Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) are be able to suffer complications when the blood glucose levels are not controlled continually. The complications are microvaskuler and macrovaskuler…
Determinant Factors of Functional Status in Patients Underwent Hemodialysis xvi + 109 pages + 10 tables + 2 schemes + 9 enclosures ABSTRACT Patients with chronic renal failure who are in the final …
Hubungan Perlakuan Body Shaming terhadap Harga Diri pada Remaja di SMA Negeri 1 Babat Supat Bullying merupakan suatu tindakan yang disengaja dan dilakukan oleh seseorang atau lebih terhadap orang l…
Background : Psychological problems such as anxiety arise due to chronic kidney disease patients' dependence on hemodialysis which is done for a lifetime. If an individual experiencing anxiety cann…
Breastfeeding is essential for optimal baby growth for both physical and mental well-being and intelligence. The success of exclusive breastfeeding can be influenced by maternal, infant and family …
Bullying is still a pervasive phenomenon and is known as a social problem among students. Bullying is a negative act such as physical violence, verbal and psychological behaviour perpetrated by the…
Writing therapy is writing that reflects the natural expression of real emotions. This therapy is done by writing down problems that are difficult to express emotions. The purpose of this study was…