This study aims to find out and describe the forms of the existence of female characters in the novel 3 Srikandi by Silvarani according to the existentialist feminism study, and this study is also …
This research describes the types and communicative functions of a speech act. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data analysis techniques use referential and pragmatic matching m…
This research aim to describe the results of the analysis of the forms locutionary and perlocutionary speech acts in the novel Saman by Ayu Utami and their implications for Indonesian language lear…
This research aims to develop a Powtoon-based learning media in writing descriptive text material for students at SMP Negeri 2 Belitang to help make it easier for students to understand writing goo…
Students are expected to have resilience in facing academic challenges which is called academic resilience. The research objective was to determine the level of academic resilience of Srijaya Negar…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan soal-soal dengan tipe AKM menggunakan Testmoz yang dapat diterapkan oleh guru dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di kelas. Rancangan pengembangan ini bertujuan…
This study aims to describe the affixation of verb forms in the articles of the Tribun Sumsel daily newspaper, covering: 1) form of affixation, and 2) the meaning of affixation. This type of resear…
Pengembangan soal asesmen kompetensi minimum literasi membaca level 5 menggunakan Quia Web di MAN 1 Palembang ini bertujuan untuk; (1) mendeskripsikan hasil analisis kebutuhan peserta didik dan gur…
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang nilai-nilai perjuangan dalam novel Laut Bercerita karya Leila S. Chudori dan implikasinya ke dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meng…
This research was literary research. The research was carried out using qualitative research methods and a qualitative approach. Researchers used descriptive qualitative methods. The objective of t…
This study aims to produce development products in the form of learning media using the Quizizz Explanatory Text application for Class XI SMA IBA Palembang students . This type of research is resea…
Penelitian ini berjudul "Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Quantum Reading Terhadap Kemampuan Siswa Memahami Teks Eksposisi Kelas VIII SMPN 15 Palembang". Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengar…
Penelitian pengembangan soal-soal asesmen kompetensi minimum level 6 literasi membaca menggunakan Quia Web di SMA Negeri 8 Palembang memiliki tujuan untuk 1) mendeskripsikan kebutuhan guru dan pese…
This study aims to describe social criticism in the novel Dua Garis Biru by Lucia Priandarini, as well as its implications in Indonesian language learning. The approach used in this research is lit…
The problem of this research is the emotional form of the main character contained in the novel Endless Winter In Korea by Rizki De, namely positive emotions and negative emotions as well as implem…
Research on the development of learning media in the form of video-based InShot in writing the text of the observation report for class VII students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Palembang, the aim is to (…
ABSTRAK Pengembangan soal AKM literasi membaca level 4 menggunakan aplikasi I-Spring di SMP Negeri 01 OKU ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kebutuhan SMP Negeri 01 OKU terhadap pengembangan s…
The phatic communion is a class of words that starting, ending emptiness, emphasizing, smoothing, and ending conversations and are closely related to social situations and regional dialects. The ph…
Pengembangan soal asesmen kompetensi minimum literasi membaca level 5 menggunakan aplikasi Testmoz di SMA Negeri 19 Palembang ini bertujuan untuk; (1) mendeskripsikan kebutuhan pendidik dan peserta…
Pengembangan soal Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum literasi membaca level 4 berbasis aplikasi Liveworksheets di SMP Negeri 1 Tanjung Batu ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kebutuhan guru dan pesert…
This study aims to describe the needs of mobile learning-based learning media, the design of learning media, and the feasibility of mobile learning-based learning media in learning to write short s…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk pengembangan berupa media pembelajaran video animasi menggunakan doratoon pada materi memahami teks fabel siswa kelas VII SMP IT Raudhatul Ulum Sa…
This study aims to describe the style of language in Fiersa Besari's Novel Konspirasi Alam Semesta and describe its implications in learning Indonesian literature in high school. This research is a…
This research aims to describe the form of illocutionary speech acts and the function of illocutionary speech acts in the movie Sayap-Sayap Patah and its implications for Indonesian Language Learni…
This study aims to: (1) Describe Politeness Strategies in Buying and Selling Transactions at the Traditional Market of Pulau Kabal Village, Indralaya Utara; (2) Describe the implications of researc…
This research is research and development using theory of Alessi and Trollip. This research aims to (1) describe the needed of learning media of writing negotiation text based on plotagon to studen…
This study aims to: (1) produce the development of learning media for writing procedural text based on CapCut animated video for class XI students at SMA Negeri 20 Palembang; (2) the research was c…
The development of level 5's Minimum Competency Assessment questions using Liveworsheets at UPT SMA Negeri 8 Ogan Ilir Regency is aimed to (1) describe the assessment of the students' and teacher's…
This research is a qualitative descriptive research. This research aims to describe the types of illusion and perlokusi speech actions in the dialogue of the film Ngeri�Ngeri Sedap Karya Bene Dio…