Along with the development of the era in the field of human life, of course, it will be followed by increasingly sophisticated technological developments so that the need for electrical energy sour…
Electrical energy is one of the main types of energy needed for electrical equipment that has developed because of how good technology is that is useful for humans, has developed into an important …
An induction motor has an auxiliary coil and a capacitor connected in series in a permanen capacitor motor. The problems that exist in single-phase induction motors the lack of optimization of the …
Electrical energy has become the primary need of society for everyday use. By the law of the conservation of energy, electrical energy can be derived from other energy using a device called a trans…
Floating net cage (KJA) is one of the ways to utilize Indonesia's aquatic potential. KJA has numerous advantages however, it also comes with some issues. The problems encountered in fish farming us…
Electrical energy is a type of energy that is very necessary. Solar Power Plant is a power plant that good for use in tropical regions. The problem with solar power plant is that part of the batter…
Electrical energy is the energy most often used in everyday life, but most of the electrical energy comes from natural resources which will run out one day (non-renewable). The purpose of this rese…
Lightning Arrester (LA) merupakan salah satu peranti dalam sistem proteksi internal yang berperan sebagai pemotong arus impuls petir ketika terjadi injeksi sambaran petir pada sistem. Metal Oxide V…
Electrical energy is one of the indispensable energy in human life, the increasing need for electrical energy, abundant resources are needed to produce electrical energy, not only abundant resource…
Generally the starting current on the motor is equivalent to four times higher than the nominal current, higher currents make the motor coil heat up quickly, if left unchecked it will shorten the l…
Energi listrik merupakan energi yang paling banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia dan pada saat ini pemanfaatannya beragam mulai dari bidang industri sampai dengan skala rumah tangga…
Increasing human populations are a factor for increasing electric needer. Country electric company (PT.PLN Persero) is a company that has authority for handling electric sistem in Indonesia. PT. PL…
In the generator there is an excitation system as an amplification system and an input system from direct current to the rotor as a magnetic field amplifier. The excitation system that is regulated…
River’s wave energy plant (PLTGS) is nonconventional energy plant that use vertical wave of river to produce eletrical energy. PLTGS in this research use direct current as magnetic force’s sour…
The use of electrical energy with fossil fuels is increasing, therefore a renewable energy is needed. One of them is PLTS which uses sunlight as its source. One of the PLTS in the city of Palembang…
floating net cage that is used for cultivating marine animals. It is a container or box-shaped device that floats on the water's surface and is made of bamboo, iron, or wood slats, woven together t…
Energi Surya merupakan sumber energi yang tidak terbatas dan tidak akan pernah habis ketersediannya dan energi ini juga dapat di manfaatkan sebagai energi alternatif yang akan di ubah menjadi energ…
The stability or stability of an electric power system is the ability to maintain the electrical system or its components in a stable state. PT. Pertamina Refinery Unit III in the process of provid…
Electrical energy is the most suitable and comfortable form of energy for modern society because it can be easily converted into a form of energy others, for example air conditioning, lighting, wat…
As time goes by, the use of electrical energy is increasing in everyday life. Accompanied by the increasing population growth rate of the need for the quality and continuity of existing electrical …
Electrical energy is a critical requirement for human life, both in industry and in everyday life settings such as homes. A field analysis can be used to save electrical energy by determining wheth…
Electrical energy has now become something that is very important in everyday life, both used as lighting, a source of electronic equipment, and other uses. This causes the demand for energy in the…
The rapid development of technology in Indonesia today makes electricity the main need. In Indonesia, there are still several plants that use petroleum as the main fuel in production so that it bec…
At present the community's need for electrical energy consumption increases from year to year at the Boom Baru Substation, so that the electric power system must be able to guarantee in terms of av…
Electrical energy is absolutely necessary for the operation of a building, due to the large number of equipment that requires electric power as a driving force. In addition to providing benefits, e…
PT. Cinta Manis continues to increase production to achieve the highest target so that the needs of the population in this case sugarcane can met by milling stations. This can be noticed from the s…
Indonesia is a developing country with all the developments in every sector and is also supported by technological advances. Without an exact formula that can determine the magnitude of the electri…
The electricity industry in Indonesia is an important sector for the whole society. System reliability index is one of the things that need attention. Therefore, this study analyzes the reliability…
Electrical Energy as a form of utilization of energy sources cannot be separated from the quality of human life and advances in technology. This causes an increase in the demand for this energy. In…
The need for electrical energy continues to increase due to population growth, economic growth, and the pattern of energy consumption itself. The current depletion of fossil energy materials is one…