The Tanjung Api-Api area is a living habitat for the Sonneratia caseolaris mangrove. Mangrove S. caseolaris is a strong to very strong antioxidant with an IC50 value of 12.0013 ppm in leaf extract.…
The presence of nitrate and phosphate in the sediment will support the life of organisms that live around the mangrove area and in the water column. The level of nitrate phosphate in the sediment w…
Padina sp is spread abundantly throughout Indonesian waters, including on Pahawang Island, Pahawang Island is located in Marga Punduh District, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province which is included…
Sungsang is located in Banyuasin II District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province. Communities in this area are very dependent on the sea which is used as a place to fulfill their needs of li…
Seaweed is a strategic commodity in the area of difficulty. Seaweed in Indonesia is known for its good quality and is in great demand because it contains sources of yeast, agar and alginate, one of…
One of the potential wealth of Indonesia's oceans is seaweed. K. alvarezii is a type of carrageenan-producing seaweed (caraginophyte). The purpose of this research was to get the best formulation o…
Research on the effect of commercial feeding with the addition of red ginger extract and temulawak extract as much as 12 ml/kg on the growth rate and survival of Bintang Pomfret (Trachinotus blocch…
Proximate analysis includes the determination of protein content, moisture content, ash content, fat content, and carbohydrate content, which play a crucial role in determining the composition and …
Mackerel (Rastrelliger spp) is one of the dominant catches in PPN Karangantu and is an economically important fish for the people of Indonesia. One of the parameters that affect fish catch is tempe…
Sembilang National Park area was chosen as the research location because of its potential as an effective fishing area and potential as a spawning and breeding place for larvae and juveniles of fis…
Research on the selectivity of trammel net fishing gear for croacker (Otolithoides pama) and (Panna microdon) was carried out in Musi River Estuary on 27 December 2022 – 5 January 2023. The resea…
Plankton is an aquatic organization that can be used as a bioindicator in the environment. Plankton plays an important role in the cycle of the aquatic food chain. This study aims to identify the t…
Research on the effect of adding fish oil to commercial feed on the growth rate and survival of tiger grouper fry has been carried out at the Lampung Marine Aquaculture Center (BBPBL). The experime…
The Acroporidae family is a genus of hard corals (Scleractinia) which is a common species found in Indonesia.Coral transplantation is one of the solutions to reduce the decline in the percentage of…
Sungsang waters, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province has a wealth of marine biota catches, particularly the mudskipper fish. The mudskipper which thrives in mangrove areas, plays a vital role…
Ecosystem-based capture fisheries management based on social and economic aspects of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) as a balance between fisheries management for the welfare …
Terumbu karang merupakan ekosistem penting di Perairan Pulau Kelapa Dua yang seiring waktu mengalami perubahan karena beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi. Upaya monitoring memanfaatkan penginderaan j…
Mangrove existence is essential, especially for the coastal area on the isle. A healthy mangrove community can reduce abrasion and keep the sedimentation process around the coastal zone. An isle in…
Turbinaria ornata (brown seaweed) has secondary metabolite compounds that have antioxidant activity. The purpose of this study was to analyze, isolate, purify, and calculate the potential of antiox…
The seaweed S. polycystum one type of seaweed commonly found in Indonesian waters, seaweed used in the study was from Pahawang Island, Lampung. The presence of these antioxidants has an important r…
Ketapang waters, South Lampung is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has great economic opportunities for seaweed. One of the natural products of Ketapang Waters is red seaweed (Rhodophyceae) o…
Pukat hela yang dioperasikan di perairan pesisir Banyuasin tidak sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 18 Tahun 2021. Meskipun demikian, nelayan di pesisir Banyuasin masih te…
The purpose of this study was to determine the status of water quality of the Musi River estuary seen from the value of heavy metals in accordance with PPRI No. 22 of 2021. This research was conduc…
The Musi River estuary is one of several river mouths that empties into the East Coast of Banyuasin, South Sumatra. The Musi River estuary accommodates various components of pollutant that enter th…
The waters of the Musi River are generally known as one of the transportation crossing routes, both for industrial transportation and for the surrounding community, besides that the Musi River is o…
The mangrove ecosystem on Maspari Island is new information that is studied in this study. Mangroves have a function in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through a sequestration mechanism. Th…
M. ZHAFRAN ALFAJRI. 08051281823033. Mapping of Coastal Vulnerability in Pesisir Tengah District, Pesisir Barat Regency, Lampung Province (Supervisors : Gusti Diansyah, S.Pi., M.Sc. and Dr. Wike Ayu…
Perairan Banyuasin memiliki potensi sumberdaya perikanan demersal yang besar, jumlah spesies yang cukup tinggi serta potensi sumberdaya perikanan yang besar. Kabupaten Banyuasin memiliki potensi ik…
Ecosystem Services are the direct or indirect contribution of ecosystems to human welfare. The identification of environmental services in Sembilang National Park provides information on the types,…
Indonesia is an archipelagic country that is rich in mangrove ecosystems, the potential of A.marina and R. apiculata mangroves in producing secondary metabolites is very large which can have the po…