Discipline is an important factor in the organization to enforce regulations in creating order in agencies. With the existence of work discipline it will improve the quality of human resources and …
This research is entitled "Valuation of Mobile Samsat Innovation Policy in Paying Taxes at the Samsat Office UPTB PPD Banyuasin I Region". It is recorded that there are around 103 million vehicles …
This study was conducted to analyze how social media, specifically Instagram, is utilized within the context of the "APBN Kita" program by the Indonesian Government. The focus of this research is o…
Problem of this research was how the influence of budgeting performance based toward performance accountability of govermental institution in Legal Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of South Sumat…
his study aims to determine the effectiveness of the disbursement of SPJ funds at Badan Pendapatan Daerah of South Sumatra Province in 2019. The theory used is the Effectiveness Theory from Richard…
Penelitian ini berjudul “Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Disiplin Kerja Pegawai Di Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Palembang”. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya pelan…
This research is entitled "Analysis of the Implementation of Socialization and Internalization Strategies in Supporting the Implementation of Core Value ASN Work Culture with BerAKHLAK (Study at th…
This research aims to determine the professionalism of civil personnel in the regional office of the Ministry of Religion Affairs in the province of South Sumatra. The study investigates a public s…
This research is entitled "School Service Program Management by the Education Office of Palembang City". This study aims to determine the management of the service program for not stopping school b…
Penelitian ini berjudul “Strategi Kebun Raya Sriwijaya (KRS) Di Desa Bakung Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Destinasi Wisata”. Kebun Raya Sriwijaya merup…
This study aims to identify, describe, and criticize the use of the SIMFONI-PPA application (Online Information System for the Protection of Women and Children) at the Office of Women's Empowerment…
This research is entitled "Development of Electronic Government Through Electronic Kinerja in the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency in Palembang City". The purpose of this study is t…
This study aims to find out and identify the results of Supervisory Leadership Training at the Regional Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMD) of South Sumatra Province based on the 4-levels K…
The research entitled "Public Service Innovation through the Online Service Application "Aku Mandiri" at the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Ogan Ilir Regency" is motivated by the pr…
Terbitnya Undang-Undang Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja berimplikasi pada peraturan mengenai kehutanan. Permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan kehutanan, seperti penyederhanaan dan reformasi birokrasi p…
The application of the Online Single Submission in Pagar Alam City is a service innovation that is implemented at the DPMPSTK so that licensing runs effectively, especially for the type of restaura…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kebijakan Berbasis Bukti telah diterapkan dalam perencanaan anggaran pada Sekretariat Daerah Kota Palembang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian …
Lubuklinggau City has a stunting rate of 19%, which is quite high. In fact, this city is an area that can be an example and is superior because access in this area is more affordable. This study ai…
This research is hased on the hackgroiincl of the problem of flue absorption ofa loss tliaii optimal biiclggt, ltte occurrerfi° of budget dilplfcalion, attd the inefficient fiinds used. This study…
This study aims to analyze whether organizational commitment can be an indirect influence of organizational culture and leadership on employee performance. The data used in this study is primary da…
Strengthening organizational capacity is a management system in developing and improving the performance of existing tasks and functions and managing micro structures. This study aims to analyze th…
This study aims to identify the impact of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policies on the happiness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Ilir Barat I District, Palembang City by…
This research is entitled "Strategy for Implementing Electronic Tax (E-Tax) in Palembang City". The background of this research is that since 2018 the implementation of E-Tax in the city of Palemba…
This study aims to determine how the actuating function in the implementation of basic immunization activities at Pasar Prabumulih Health Center. This research is motivated by the existence of prob…
This rescarch aims to identify the efforts made by the Plaju Sub-District Government to ensure the sustainability development of the Tegur Sapa program. The research adopts a qualitative approach t…
Ade Alvin Okta Priana. Implementation of the Village Government Work Plan for Development in Mandala Sari Village, Lalan District, Musi Banyuasin Regency. This study aims to find out how successful…
The Public Service Innovation Competition Progam (KIPP) is a national program created by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPan-RB) which is an innovation competiti…
This study aims to determine and analyze the characteristics of Top Public Service Innovations in Indonesia in 2020-2021. This research uses the theory of public sector innovation characteristics c…
This research was conducted to know, identify and analyze the impact of the Family Hope Program in the Kumpeh Ulu District of Muaro Jambi Regency. This research was blasted by the problem of povert…