Parents play an important role in the growth and development of children. One aspect that parents need to pay attention to is the aspect of the child's character. Character is one of the important …
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kesadaran gender orang tua dan penerapannya pada anak (Studi Pada Orang Tua Di Kelurahan Kertapati Kecamatan Kertapati Palembang)”. Permasalahan yang diambil dala…
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang berjudul “Peranan Humas dalam Meningkatkan Citra Lembaga (Studi di Kantor Walikota Palembang Tahun 2017)”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah …
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran humas PT Semen Baturaja dalam menjaga human relation perusahaan. Demikian pula halnya dengan PT Semen Baturaja (Persero) Tbk dimana sebagai perusahaan B…
Tourism in Indonesia is one of the sectors that gives a contribution to the development of the Indonesian economy and in improving the welfare of its people. At the regional level, the tourism sect…
On March 15, 2019, there was a tragedy of mass shooting terror at the Al Noor mosque and the Islamic Center Lindwood Christchurch, New Zealand. The shooting was broadcast by the perpetrator live on…
Starting from an agricultural agreement (Agreement on Agriculture / AoA) which is one of the agreements that have been regulated in the WTO. This agreement was made on the basis of opening up free …
Turki merupakan salah satu negara aktor baru dalam industri pertahanan dunia, sebagai salah satu aktor baru dalam industri pertahanan dunia, Turki justru melakukan kerjasama pembuatan tank medium d…
This research examined social the distance of ethnic Papuan sriwijaya university collegian with collegian from Palembang at Sriwijaya University, Indralaya Campus, Ogan Ilir District, South Sumatra…
The background of this research is as it is known that the Indian Ocean is a center of international trade and transportation. This area is bound by trade routes and controlled by the government of…
Illegal fishing in Indonesian sea has resulted in big loss in fishery sector in the attempt of realizing the people wellbeing. Maritime and Fishery Ministry makes firm policy to eradicate illegal f…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan gastrodiplomasi yang dilakukan oleh Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Dapur Bunda Rayya dalam sebuah Festival gastrodiplomasi yang dilaksanaan …
Kopi Robusta Kabupaten Muara Enim Provinsi Sumatera Selatan merupakan perkebunan kopi terbesar dengan hasil produksi paling tinggi di Indonesia, tetapi identitas dari kopi dari kopi Robusta Sumater…
This research aims to describe The Role of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in efforts to tackle down Sumatran Tigers illegal trade in 2015-2019. A very significant decline in Sumatran Tigers popul…
Background: Cultural diplomacy is an art form of negotiation that uses culture as a medium. Cultural diplomacy carried out by France in Indonesia through the France d'Indonesie Institute (IFI) is a…
In the current era of globalization the growth of the world economy is increasing, especially with the integrity of goods and services resulting in new transactions namely e-commerce, encouraging c…
Penelitian ini berjudul “Gastrodiplomasi Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang Dalam Festival Kuliner Palembang Mendunia”, peneliti ingin melihat bagaimana upaya Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang dalam…
The border conflict that occurred between Ethiopia and Eritrea has colored the dynamics of international relations in the African region for more than twenty years. The ownership of the city of Bad…
This study discusses the analysis of Italy's interests in China's Belt and Road Initiative cooperation. The study aims to explain why Italy is interested in China's Belt and Road Initiative coopera…
Social relations occur between Papuan students and non-Papuan students studying at The Indralaya Campus of Sriwijaya University. This research's objects are Papuan students and non-Papuan students …
ABSTRACT This study aims to see the level of Indonesia's compliance in the AATHP International Regime. Forest fires are a phenomenon that has become history in Indonesia. Every year, forest fires s…
The title of this research is Analysis of the Implementation Policy of Liberalization Trade in Services in Telecommunication Services in Indonesia. This research aims to explain the commitment and …
Currently, Venezuela has been strucking an economic crisis such as hyperinflation, and scarcity of basic commodities, made the country become underdevelop in Latin America due to its slumping econo…
In Finland, immigration has become a source of population growth as well as cultural exchange. The largest immigrant population entering Finland is dominated by neighboring countries such as the Ru…
Penelitian ini berjudul “Strategi Indonesia Dalam Meningkatkan Ekspor Tuna Melalui Kerangka Kerjasama Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA)”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk men…
The minimum public trust in the company has led to the creation of the CSR concept which causes companies to compete in their CSR programs in order to get a good image in the community. CSR has imp…
This research examines the “Social Patterns of Boarding Students in Simple Alley, Jalan Silaberanti Plaju, Palembang City”. The purpose of this study was to determine the social patterns of boa…