The Helsinki Agreement that took place in Aceh on August 15, 2005, marked the end of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) conflict with the Republic of Indonesia. The existence of peace and the occurrence …
The Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was ratified on June 1st, 1988. This agreement regulates the possession of cruise and ballistic missiles with range capabilites of 500-5,500 km between …
The protracted conflict between the Chinese and Indian militaries shows that there is nothing for the two countries to solve the problem. The phenomenon that occurs in the Doklam plateau is a pheno…
Dalam industri medical tourism, Malaysia telah menjadi salah satu negara terbaik di kawasan Asia Pasifik sehingga mampu bersaing dengan negara-negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat, Inggris, Kosta Ri…
This research aims to determine the reasons for the Indonesian Government to continue approving the recommendation for importing non B3 type of waste and decided to issue a policy to prohibit the p…
Indonesia as the pivot of world maritime is an ambitious ideal of the Joko Widodo government, 2014-2019. This topic, which will be discussed in this research as a continuation of his election campa…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan keterlibatan Amerika Serikat dalam aksi protes RUU ekstradisi Hong Kong. Undang-undang ekstradisi dibuat untuk mengantisipasi dan mengadili tindak kejahat…
This study aims to explain how the Transnational Advocacy Network strategy in the #MeToo movement against sexual violence and harassment in South Korea. The #MeToo movement, which started in the Un…
The increasing distribution of Foreign Workers in Indonesia is one of the effects of the Liberalization of Labor adopted by several countries. The international community, such as the World Trade O…
Rumah budaya Indonesia merupakan sarana diplomasi kebudayaan yang dibangun oleh pemerintah Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk memperkenalkan keanekaragaman budaya yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia dinegara t…
The Middle East is renowned for having a high potential due to its quantity of oil resources. Oil resources have become an essential asset of the Middle East area due to its high value. This has an…
This study was conducted to determine how gastrodiplomacy activities carried out in a country might impact people's perceptions of a country and create connection and cooperation between the two na…
Indonesia sebagai negara memiliki 1.340 suku bangsa yang terdapat didalamnya, salah satunya Suku Sakai yang terdapat di Riau. Atas hal tersebut Indonesia sendiri telah ikut serta menandatangani dek…
The trade war that occurred between the United States (US) -China has had an impact on the world economy. Countries in the world have felt positive and negative impacts, including countries in the …
Indonesia is a country that has various ethnicities and ethnic groups. Although Indonesia has experienced rapid progress, there are still parts of Indonesia that have not been touched by progress i…
Sebagian besar negara di dunia terus gencar melakukan perdagangan bebas baik secara multilateral, regional dan bilateral. Krisis di WTO yang dianggap tidak begitu efektif untuk membuka arus perdaga…
Perdagangan makanan halal di pasar global dewasa ini di dominasi oleh negara-negara yang berpenduduk mayoritas non-muslim, seperti Brazil, Thailand, India, dan China. Lalu bagaimakanah posisi Indon…
This research is purposed to know the crisis management of Legal & Relations PT Pertamina EP Asset 2 Prabumulih Field in managing crisis of environmental incident. This study uses the theory of cri…
Kejahatan perdagangan narkoba merupakan suatu bentuk ancaman keamanan yang nyata dan tentunya dapat mengganggu segala bentuk stabilitas, jika dilihat dari berbagai aspek pemerintahan tiap negara an…
Saat ini industri kopi telah menjadi komoditas unggulan Indonesia di pasar global, diikuti dengan peningkatan konsumsi kopi dunia saat ini yang membuat industri kopi di Indonesia juga berkembang pe…
Background: Mental disorders are one of the priorities of global health. One of the nursing problems that can be found in mental disorders is violent behavior or the risk of violent behavior. The r…
The toxic relationship phenomenon that has emerged in recent years has received much attention from the public. A courtship that is supposed to be filled with attention, affection, and love is prec…
Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is one of the sectors that have a role in helping the development of a country, of course in this case the role of government becomes important to partici…
Indonesia-Korea Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (IK-CEPA) is a bilateral agreement between Indonesia and South Korea which is a comprehensive partnership in the fields of trade in goods and ser…
ABSTRAK Narkoba merupakan musuh bagi semua negara, narkoba bukan hanya dapat membahayakan manusia tetapi juga dapat membahayakan kedaulatan suatu negara. Indonesia dan Filipina merupakan Negara yan…
This study aims to discuss the roles of the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Osaka in encouraging of Indonesian coffee exports to Japan. This research uses the concept of commercial diploma…
The purpose of this research is to define the efforts of Indonesia's public diplomacy that are carried out through the BIPA program in Austria. The BIPA program is an Indonesian language teaching p…
Sejak tahun 2018, Amerika telah mengambil beberapa kebijakan perdagangan yang bersifat proteksionisme. Beberapa di antaranya adalah diberlakukannya tarif impor aluminium dan pencabutan status GSP b…
To increase non-oil and gas exports, especially wood products that are processed into home decoration products which are currently in demand by individuals and groups to make their homes more decor…
This research entitled "Effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication in Online Learning Methods in the Covid-19 Era Between Teachers and Students (Studies on Mathematics Subject Specialization Clas…