The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the world continues to increase every year with the highest diabetes cases being type 2 diabetes mellitus, namely 85-95%. Type 2 DM sufferers must change thei…
Latar Belakang: . Kanker serviks adalah pertumbuhan sel abnormal pada leher rahim atau leher rahim yang disebabkan oleh virus human papillomavirus (HPV) onkogonik. Salah satu dampak kemoterapi adal…
Background: Pleural effusion is a condition that can cause disturbances in the respiratory system, so that the body's oxygenation needs cannot be met. One of the clinical manifestations that appear…
Latar Belakang: Halusinasi adalah gejala gangguan mental di mana pasien dapat mengalami perubahan, atau menerima pesan palsu dari persepsi sensorik. Pendekatan keperawatan pada pasien yang mengalam…
Background: The elderly period results in a decrease in physiological function so that people are susceptible to degenerative diseases such as hypertension. One non-pharmacological therapy that can…
Introduction: Decreased body function can occur due to increasing age, decreased body function can occur in all systems in the body, one of which is the musculoskeletal system. Decreased bone funct…
Stroke is a disruption in brain function due to blockage or rupture of blood flow to the brain, causing weakness on one side of the stroke patient's body, resulting in impaired physical mobility. T…
Background: Stroke is a rapid loss of brain function due to disruption of blood supply to the brain. Hypertension is the main trigger factor for stroke. Foot massage is one of the interventions giv…
Background: Malnutrition in children has a negative impact on physical and mental growth, reducing body resistance. The problem that often arises is a decrease in appetite in children. The prevalen…
Sectio caesarea is a surgical procedure on the abdominal wall and uterus which aims to produce a child. The act of giving birth through the SC process has a very serious impact. After the post-SC d…
Background: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) or better known as a heart attack is a condition where blood flow to the heart is blocked and cardiomyocytes die. The main symptom of Acute Myocardial …
Background : On the female reproductive period, NOK disease is most often found. Neoplasm Ovarium Kistik (NOK) can be surgically removed by laparotomy. Laparotomy is a surgery that causes severe pa…
Background: Hyperbilirubin is defined as a total serum bilirubin level ≥5 mg/dL (86 μmol/L). Hyperbilirubinemia is a transient condition that is often found in both term babies (50-70%) and prem…
Pendahuluan: Angka kejadian hipertensi paling tinggi terjadi pada lansia. Hipertensi membutuhkan penanganan yang tepat, baik secara farmakologis maupun non farmakologis. Pengobatan nonfarmakologis …
Ansietas merupakan masalah yang sering pada pasien gagal ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisa. Perubahan gaya hidup, prosedur dan biaya menjadi berbagai faktor yang menyebabkan ansietas pada pa…
Background: The epithelium, or the cervix's outer surface layer, is where cervical cancer develops and spreads within the cervix. Most cases of cervical cancer are discovered at an advanced or even…
Introduction: is a state of progressive loss of kidney function that results in electrolyte fluids and metabolic waste cannot be removed automatically. Patients with CKD will experience disturbed s…
Background : Mental disorders (mental disorders) are psychological patterns or behavior of a person which is generally associated with stress or mental disorders that are not considered as normal h…
Background: Mental disorders are a manifestation of a form of behavioral deviation, this occurs due to a decline in all mental functions. One of the mental disorders that is commonly found is the r…
Background: Hypertension is a condition when there is an increase in blood pressure, with a systolic of more than 140 mmHg and a diastolic of more than 90 mmHg. Untreated hypertension can lead to c…
The speed and depth of CPR compression by nursing students are often inappropriate, resulting in the implementation of ineffective CPR compressions. Music feedback devices with a rhythmic speed, ac…
This research aims to determine the Health Belief Model of the people of Betung Village, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency in traditional medicine in treating degenerative diseases. Data collectio…
Introduction: Indonesia has experienced an increase in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders with significant proportions every year. Psychological predisposing factors such as stress and anxiety…
He elderly population, which continues to increase, is closely associated with the onset of dementia, leading to brain damage and cognitive decline. Non pharmacological therapies that can be used i…