This book introduces a range of image color feature extraction techniques. Readers are encouraged to try implementing the techniques discussed here on their own, all of which are presented in a ver…
This book treats state-of-the-art computational methods for power flow studies and contingency analysis. In the first part the authors present the relevant computational methods and mathematical co…
Principles of Image Printing Technology is a unique review of technology use in the printing industry since the time of the medieval engravers and busy newsroom typesetters. It provides a historica…
This book contains all refereed papers that were accepted to the second edition of the « Digital Enterprise Design & Management » (DED&M 2014) international conference that took place in Paris (F…
This book introduces resource aware image decomposition, registration, fusion, object detection and tracking algorithms along with their applications in security, monitoring and integration in 3rd …
This book presents select and peer-reviewed proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Communication and Imaging Systems (MedCom 2020). The contents explore the recent technological advan…
This book is a collection of research work conducted by researchers at Centre for Smart Grid Energy Research (CSMER), Institute of Autonomous System, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), and Seismi…
This book covers topics such as digitalization of production, operations, logistics and supply chains leading to new requirements for human capabilities and collaboration. The content is relevant f…
This book considers the challenges related to the effective implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to the cultural heritage digitization process. Part…
This book provides an in-depth investigation of the quality relevant perceptual video space in the domain of videotelephony. The author presents an extensive investigation and quality modeling of t…
This thesis presents experimental research on the interaction between the optical field and the mechanical oscillator in whispering-gallery mode microcavities. It demonstrates how optomechanical in…
This book gathers selected papers that were submitted to the 2021 International Conference on Advances in Digital Science (ICADS 2021) that aims to make available the discussion and the publication…
This book provides a new multi-method, process-oriented approach towards speech quality assessment, which allows readers to examine the influence of speech transmission quality on a variety of perc…
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of information technology in civil and building engineering, presented at the 18th International Conference on Comp…
This proceedings book contains papers presented at the XI International Online Forum named after A.Ya. Kibanov “Innovative Personnel Management,”, which took place in Moscow, Russian Federation…
This book presents intelligent data analysis as a tool to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. The intelligent data analysis includes machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision …
This collection of 23 articles is the output of lectures in special sessions on “The History of Theoretical, Material and Computational Mechanics” within the yearly conferences of the GAMM in t…
The book focuses on an image processing technique known as binarization. It provides a comprehensive survey over existing binarization techniques for both document and graphic images. A number of e…
This open access volume provides insight into how organizations change through the adoption of digital technologies. Opportunities and challenges for individuals as well as the organization are add…