Coffee skins contain many complex organic components, air content in biomass or moisture (M) and little ash. Organic components consist of four basic elements, namely carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxyg…
Permintaan akan pemanggangan yang efisien dan berkualitas tinggi sangat penting untuk kemplang, makanan tradisional yang populer dan banyak dinikmati sebagai hidangan tradisional yang disukai. Aspe…
Pada zaman dimana teknologi terus berkembang, penggunaan robot, terutama robot lengan, Robot lengan merupakan robot yang memiliki fungsi umum memindahkan barang dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain…
This research aims to analyze the total volume of pyrolysis oil at each temperature variation tested and analyze the density, viscosity and heating value of the pyrolysis product. This research was…
Hydrogen is the simplest chemical element with one proton and one electron and hydrogen is colorless, odorless, non-metallic and a highly flammable gas. The purpose of this study was to find out an…
The drilling process is the process of making holes in the workpiece for the assembly process between one component and another. This research analyzes the effect of cutting parameters using a stra…
Rice husks are a biomass that is quite abundant in Indonesia, especially in South Sumatra. One method that can be used to convert rice husks into energy is the gasification process. The gasificatio…
Seiring perkembangan zaman pengunaan bahan bakar fosil semakin lama akan semakin meningkat yang mencangkup dalam aspek-aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan. Selain itu, bahan bakar fosil juga berp…
Gasification is a technological process that converts solid fuel into gaseous fuel, also known as synthesis gas (abbreviated as syngas). Gasification technology has high efficiency and environmenta…
to analyze the GPP system using exergoeconomic analysis by incorporating the Kalina cycle KCS-11 to utilize the waste heat from the Lumut Balai GPP in Muara Enim. The analyzed components include th…
This study aims to determine the application of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) of class XI students during lathe practice in the Workshop of the Department of Mechanical Engineering SMK Negeri…
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperiment (eksperimen semu) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan desain penelitian tipe one group pretest-posttest atau tes awal – tes akhir kelompok tung…
Pack carburizing is a heat treatment process using carbon content as an element to increase the mechanical properties of steel which is used to harden the steel surface. This research uses low carb…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat belajar mahasiswa pendidikan teknik mesin pada mata kuliah gambar teknik. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa pendidikan teknik mesin angka…
Each heat treatment process on steel will experience a change in the structure of the material which will open the corrosion gap. Corrosion is a major problem that often occurs, some of the damage …
This study used an experimental method which included the corrosion rate process in conventional lathe using soursop leaf extract as a cooling medium, then testing was carried out using 66% sulfuri…
Pembubutan facing merupakan salah satu dari banyak macam pembubutan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekasaran permukaan benda kerja dan mengetahui hasil laju korosi setelah mengetahu…
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen yang meliputi proses pengelasan titik (Resistance Spot Welding), kemudian pengujian tarik.tujuan dari peneltian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai kekuat…
This study uses an experimental method. which includes the turning process using pending media from guava leaf extract, then carried out with a corrosive testing process. The concentration of cooli…
Medium carbon steel has a carbon content of about 0.42% to 0.60%. In use, carbon steel is being used as a component of automobile axles, crankshafts, boiler rails. The purpose of this study was to …
This type of research is associative research with a quantitative approach which aims to determine the influence of the teacher's role and workshop facilities on the learning interests of students …
Penelitian ini adalah proses perlakuan panas (heat treatment) dengan menggunakan dua perlakuan, pack carburizing lalu dilanjutkan proses quenching. Pack carburizing merupakan salah satu jenis perla…
This study aims to describe equipment planning, describe the organizational structure of the workshop, find out the implementation of equipment management, describe the supervision of equipment man…
Steel material is a type of material that is often used, especially in the industrial sector because it has tough strength, and is economical. One of the steel materials is AISI 1045 steel which is…
Entrepreneurship is a process of creating something that has added value and economic value. interest is an urge to do something because there is a desire to achieve a certain goal, while Metal Cas…
Penelitian ini bertuuan untuk mengetahui pelaksaan dan kelayakan K3 di dalam bengkel teknik kendaraan ringan dan sepeda motor di SMK Negeri 1 Belitang Madang Raya. Penelitian ini merupakan peneliti…