Congestion is one of the main causes of road users experiencing delays in arriving at their destination. In this study the authors wanted to overcome this problem with the best route determination …
In this study, the You Only Look Once Version 8 (YOLOv8) algorithm was used to detect and use the Supervision library to calculate the number of vehicles violating zebra crossings. The Two Dimensio…
Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA) is a Service Provider whice provides information and means which has been produced by research academics in Indonesia, Currently the service (GARUDA) Provides data in…
This research aims to address challenges in Supply Chain Management (SCM) by utilizing Smart Contract Solidity technology and Proof of Authority (PoA) algorithm. The main focus of the research is t…
Supply chain management (SCM) is an important concept in the business world. In the short and long term, implementing SCM can provide benefits for companies, but conventional methods for calculatin…
The main idea of a smart home is a technology that can control devices in the home environment system with an internet connection automatically. As time advances, automation has become a system tha…
Blockchain adalah sebuah metode yang sedang berkembang pesat, terutama dalam aspek keamanan data yang meningkatkan kepercayaan pengguna melalui sistem terdistribusi. Keunggulan transparansi dalam b…
This research aims to investigate the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and Solidity smart contracts in simulating goods delivery in Supply Chain Management (SCM). The chosen …
This research aims to develop a method for detecting Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) in retinal images using the RETINANET architecture with a ResNet-50 backbone. DR is a serious complication in individu…
Clean water is a vital factor for human survival. The concept of adequate drinking water emphasizes water quality that meets health standards and can be consumed directly. Monitoring and managing w…
The study aims to determine the best regression model to measure the linear relationship between electronic media use and sleep duration. as well as testing and measuring the level of impact of ele…
Location detection is a system for detecting and determining the location of an object, thing or person in a certain environment. The RFID system used to capture data uses an RFID reader on tags pl…
Supply Chain Management melibatkan beberapa pihak yang berperan dalam proses pengiriman barang atau jasa sehingga memerlukan transparansi terkait catatan transaksi bagi semua pihak yang terlibat de…
Traffic congestion remains a primary concern in the transportation sector and continues to pose challenges for everyday activities. To address this issue, a system capable of detecting vehicle dens…
The lateral movement is one of the most crucial phases in an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attack, aiming to penetrate other resources and gain greater privileges within the target network. Atta…
Technological advances in the field of Computer Vision are increasingly complex, especially in research and industrial needs. Computer Vision allows computers to process and recognize images with a…
Wrong-way traffic violation is often committed by the public and frequently leads to traffic accidents and congestion. This research aims to develop a detection system using the You Only Look Once …
Ancaman keamanan internet sangatlah rentan terhadap serangan dari pihak manapun, termasuk serangan Distributed Denial-of-Services (DDoS). Serangan DDoS mengirimkan paket secara terus menerus sehing…
Jaringan enterprise terbentuk dari banyak router dan tentu memiliki konfigurasi routingnya tersendiri. Dalam penerapannya, setiap protokol routing mempunyai karakteristik algoritmanya masing-masing…
Long Short Term Memory, metode pendeteksi serangan siber dengan kemampuan memproses urutan data dan mengingat informasi dalam rentang waktu panjang. Namun, LSTM tidak dapat secara efektif mengingat…
In recent years, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors have become increasingly integrated into various devices and fields. Therefore, the security of IoT sensors is becoming more vulnerable to attacks.…
Technology that could be useful in maintaining security in plantation areas should be achievable. It should be able to identify objects and movements within the plantation area. With such a system …
This research explores the processing of Electrocardiogram (EKG) signals, a field in signal processing that focuses on the analysis, manipulation, and interpretation of recorded electrical activity…
This research aims to perform the delineation of P-waves and RR-intervals in single-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). The ECG signals consist of P, Q, R, S…
The application of artificial intelligence in these days is so much, it is beginning to enter a wide range of fields in the world, one of which is in the field of biomedicine. CNN uses several laye…
The annual increase in the volume of vehicles, without a corresponding improvement in road infrastructure, has led to detrimental traffic congestion and density. Therefore, this research aims to ad…
The increasing volume of vehicles each year results in an escalating daily traffic volume, leading to issues such as congestion and vehicle density that adversely affect various sectors. Therefore,…
This research discusses the implementation of the object detection method You Only Look Once (YOLO), capable of performing detection and localization in the form of object segmentation on an image.…