Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan multirepresentasi siswa pada topik Listrik Arus Searah. Penelitian ini melibatkan 119 orang siswa kelas XII IPA 4, XII IPA 5 dan XII IPA 6 SMA Ne…
Buku ini memberikan jawaban terhadap masalah-masalah praktis dengan cara mudah dan menyenangkan. Anda akan melihat penggunaan kedua piranti itu untuk bermacam-macam pemakaian seperti instrumentasi,…
Polymeric materials such as epoxy resin are widely used as insulating materials in electrical devices, but polymer epoxy resin materials are generally susceptible to environmental influences and ex…
This study was conducted to obtain dielectric characteristics in form of breakdown voltage and leakage current in Kraft Paper insulation impregnated in sesame oil with a variety of treatment times …
This research discusses the results of a study regarding the effect of thermal aging time on the dielectrick strength of Rice Bran Oil which is given a mixture of the compound Benzyl Benzoate (BnBz…
This study report the effect of mechanical stress in the form of pulling on the breakdown voltage characteristics of silicone rubber filled with silicone carbide with a concentration of 0; 5; 10; 1…
Study of the effect of bubbles on canola oil as insulation in breakdown voltage using a 220 VAC voltage source, with a frequency of 50 Hz. This experiment used two plane electrode system with a dia…
This study reported the formation of electrical treeing that occur on the epoxy resin insulating material with a thickness of 1 mm. The electrode system resembles a leaf-like sample specimen with a…
This study discusses the electrical treeing phenomenon that occurs in epoxy resin insulation material by formic acid (CH2O2) with variations conditioning time ranging 12; 24; and 48 hours. Epoxy re…
Solar Power Generation (SPG) is a rapidly growing renewable energy source in meeting global energy demands. Fresnel lenses are components used in SPG systems to enhance solar radiation absorption b…
Basically electricity has a very important role in everyday life. As we know, electricity is a primary need for industry, offices, shops and households. In its service, the State Electricity Compan…
The use of medical devices is one of the factors in the spread of disease due to medical devices that are not guaranteed sterilization. To be able to overcome this, efforts are made to sterilize me…
Indonesia with thousands of islands has weaknesses in the infrastructure sector, hundreds of small islands do not have the resources to build roads. Rubber tires that are often used for vehicles ha…
In the industrial sector, moving goods in warehouses requires a lot of operational cost. One effort to reduce operational cost is by using swarm robots. In completing tasks, the performance of swar…
Sistem isolasi sangat diperlukan pada peralatan tegangan tinggi untuk membatasi bagian-bagian yang bertegangan agar tidak terjadi hubungan singkat satu dengan yang lain sehingga tidak terjadi kegag…
Electrical power transmission networks are always equipped with distance relays as a protection system to avoid various disturbances. Distance relay works by dividing its handling area into three z…
Every hospital activity must meet agreed medical standards, including sterilization of the use of medical devices. With the dry heat sterilization method in the oven, a sterilization machine is nee…
In the use of medical devices in hospitals that have been used and will be reused, they must go through a sterilization process that is useful for keeping medical devices in sterile conditions. Ste…
Developments in the human life sector have developed rapidly today which will certainly be followed by technological developments that are increasingly developing and will make electricity needs on…
Electricity is one of the most important needs of society and as the most important economic resource needed in a household to industrial activities. The use of electricity is an important factor i…
The utilization of geothermal energy as a renewable energy source has been an interesting research topic in recent decades. One of the most efficient thermal cycles in converting geothermal heat in…
The Jakabaring 2MW Solar Power Plant is one of the PLTS built in Indonesia which is equipped with polycrystalline solar panels with a capacity of 315Wp totaling 5,248 panel units where each series …
Household appliances often found a variety of electric motors such as water pumps, fans (fan) and others. Electric motors can be modified by coils and magnets so that they can be used as generators…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui socioscientific reasoning siswa tentang isu PLTSa. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Variabel dal…