The Banyuasin Estuary are very dynamic area and usually used for the activities of the surrounding community, thereby affecting changes in water conditions. Chlorophyll-a is one of the primary prod…
The area of the Sembilang National Park is an area located on the East Coast of South Sumatra. Activities in the waters of the Sembilang National Park have the potential to reduce water quality and…
The Effect of Salinity Levels on the Growth of Barramundi (Lates Calcarifer) Seeds at the Lampung Marine Aquaculture Center. (Supervisors: Dr. Riris Aryawati., S.T., M.Si and Ellis Nurjuliasti Ning…
The community and industrial activities such as mining, agriculture, plantations, and natural activities that directly or indirectly enter the waters of the Musi River can result in river pollution…
Musi river estuary, Banyuasin Regency, Banyuasin II Sub-District, South Sumatra, is an area that serves as a fishing facility, transportation hub, and residential area. In Sumatra, there are rivers…
Mud crabs are an important component of fisheries in coastal areas. Crab ranks third after shrimp and lobster because of the delicacy of seafood and also the fishery value it supports. The world's …
Gastropods are food derived from waters that contain many antioxidant components, such as Nerita balteata and Cassidula aurisfelis. The purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of anti…
Research on the design characteristics of small scale fisheries vessels was conducted in Sungsang Village, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province, December 2022 – January 2023. The research me…
Research on the effectiveness of adding β-carotene sources of red dragon fruit peel extract, mango peel, turmeric and mangosteen peel to artificial feed on increasing the brightness of the color o…
Research on the effect of giving pellets with the addition of maggot flour, earthworm flour, and shrimp head flour as much as 20% on the growth rate and survival of White Snapper (L. calcarifer) fr…
Research on the effect of adding Vitamin C and Black Cumin with different doses to artificial feed on the growth rate and survival rate of the Humpback Grouper Germ (Cromileptes altivelis) fry has …
Microplastics are particles of 1-5000 µm composed of synthetic polymer materials. Various activities (sanitation, traffic emissions, industry, agriculture, fisheries) are a source of microplastics…
Population growth and increased industry is one of the contributing factors to environmental pollution. One of the most common pollutants is plastic waste. Plastic waste in the water will be degrad…
Polyculture ponds (shrimp and milkfish) in Gilirang Village, Muara Sugihan District, have experienced a decline in pond yields from year to year. Pond water quality is thought to be one of the impo…
Tanjung Api-api Port is a water area that is strongly influenced by tides, currents, ports and agriculture resulting in changes in sedimentation and changes in coastlines both abrasion and accretio…
The Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) method can collect bathymetry data in shallow waters based on satellite imagery. The bathymetry data obtained from this methos can be used to fill in the gaps…
Pulau Payung merupakan kawasan hutan lindung menurut SK Menhut No.866/Menhut-II/2014. Keberadaan mangrove Pulau Payung di sekitar muara Sungai Musi, berada di alur pelayaran sehingga mangrove terse…
The Banyuasin waters have abundant fisheries resources supported by adequate ecosystems condition. The dynamic ecosystem affects biota such as fish to tend to aggregate to help them survive from pr…
The coastal area of Tanjung Carat in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province has undergone environmental changes due to human activities, including the opening of mangrove land, which has resulte…
The waters of Sembilang National Park (Barong River), Banyuasin River Estuary, and Musi River estuary are waters around Banyuasin coastal waters with semi-closed physical characteristics and filled…
Mud Crab is a biota that lives in brackish waters, especially in mangrove forests, and it has high economic value, but the cultivation methods that usually used were still very simple and depends o…
High concentration of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) can increase turbidity and obstruct light penetration to the water column. The distribution of TSS can be observed using satellite imagery by trans…
Rizky Ikhsan Syafaat. 08051381823077. Analisis Tutupan Terumbu Karang Hidup Pada Ekosistem Terumbu Karang Di Perairan Pantai Sebalang Kabupaten Lampung Selatan (Pembimbing : Dr. Muhammad Hendri, ST…
Coral reef ecosystems provide a variety of habitats for marine biota such as coral reef fish, thus making them one of the most diverse marine ecosystems. This study aims to analyze the condition of…
The vegetation that dominates Payung Island is the mangrove forest, because it is located at the mouth of the Musi River, where fresh water and sea water meet, so the surrounding salinity is quite …
The dynamics of rapid changes in the estuarine environment are believed to potentially give rise to new and more diverse bacterial characteristics. These characteristics can be observed at the mole…
Pollution in the waters is often the subject of environmental problems in people’s lives. A guideline for determining the status of water quality is needed in order to determine the level of poll…
The Musi River and Banyuasin River are rivers in South Sumatra and have an important role for various community activities. However, this has an impact on the presence of phytoplankton in the water…
The waters in Sembilang National Park are waters that have an important role in contributing to good fish catches including ports, shipping and fishing. The potential of mud crab and crab resources…
Tanjung Api-Api port is a sea crossing port that connects South Sumatra and Bangka Island, Tanjung Api-Api port is located in the waters of Tanjung Api-Api South Sumatra Banyuasin district. The pur…