The purpose of this research is to understand the social actions of creative communities with disabilities in an effort to improve social welfare in creative communities with disabilities in South …
Phone snubbing or abbreviated as phubbing is a situation where a person ignores the people around him because his attention is more focused on the smartphone he is holding, which makes them not car…
Osteoarthritis merupakan penyakit yang bersifat kronis dan penyakit degeneratif akibat kerusakan di tulang rawan atau kartilago yang menimbulkan rasa nyeri. Osteoarthritis menyerang tulang rawan se…
Tepung labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata) mengandung senyawa oligosakarida berupa rafinosa yang berperan sebagai prebiotik alami dengan kadar masih rendah, sehingga perlu dilakukan modifikasi untuk m…
This study examines “The Phenomenon of Body Shaming Victims in Faculty of Social and Political Science Student of Sriwijaya University”. The purpose of this study was to understand what is behi…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penanaman sikap sosial anak di Taman Penitipan Anak (TPA) Robbani Indralaya Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan …
Suatu pemukiman berdasarkan etnis dapat terbentuk karena adanya proses interaksi sosial dan hubungan sosial yang baik yang terjadi pada ruang lingkup masyarakat dan interaksi itu dapat memperlihatk…
Revolusi industri 4.0 hampir semua kegiatan manusia dapat dibantu dengan internet termasuk kegiatan belanja secara online. Di masa pandemi Covid-19 gelombang pertama, masyarakat Kota Palembang mema…
This research is entitled Analysis of Changes in Activities of the Gerakan Mahasiswa Nasional Indonesia (GMNI) DPC Ogan Ilir Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic. The formulation of the problem …
Social interaction is the main condition for the occurrence of social activities. Social interaction is also useful for studying and studying many problems in society. This study aims to determine …
This thesis aims to find out how interpersonal communication between baristas and customers at Kedai Kopi Pulang Palembang is. This study uses qualitative research methods using descriptive methods…
This thesis is entitled “Social Interaction Of Teachers And Students In Online Learning During The Covid-19 Pandemic ( Case Study Of Elementary School Of Muncak Kabau, Buay Pemuka Bangsa Raja Dis…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh dan seberapa besar pengaruh antara komunikasi interpersonal mentor terhadap produktivitas kerja mahasiswa pada program magang merd…
This Study is entitled “ Communication Strategy Instructions Between Leaders and Subordinates In Improving Employee Performance in the Field of Protocol Secretariat DPRD of South Sumatra Province…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pola pembinaan bagi anak binaan di Lembaga Pembinaan Anak binaan Kelas I Palembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pemberdayaan melalui budidaya sayuran organik oleh kelompok Nggambleh Sholeh di desa Tegal Rejo kabupaten Muara Enim. Penelitian ini menggunaka…
This study aims to determine the empowerment process carried out by the Sido Makmur Dua farmer group in an effort to increase agricultural production yields. This research uses a qualitative type o…
This study aims to provide an overview of the sewing training program in terms of input, process, and outcome aspects at the UPTD of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Children in need of Indrala…
Abstract Online learning during the covid 19 pandemic raises things in how the social relationships of these students in carrying out learning from home with this social relations. This research us…
Kelompok jika dikelola dengan baik dapat menjadi kekuatan yang besar. Kekuatan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan- kebutuhan, mengembangkan potensi dan aktualisasi diri anggota- anggotanya. Di dalam kelompok…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepedulian masyarakat terhadap lingkungan hidup di Desa Seri Bandung Kecamatan Tanjung Batu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekat…
The purpose of this research is to develop a valid and practical interactive video media product for children's stories on transportation themes. The development is carried out using the R&D (Resea…
ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the role of tourism awareness groups in the economic development of the Burai Tourism Village community, Ogan Ilir Regency. This type of research is descriptiv…
This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between social interaction and the quality of life of the elderly in the Technical Implementation Unit of the Harapan Kita Elderly Socia…
Polifarmasi adalah penggunaan minimal lima obat secara bersamaan setiap harinya. Pasien hipertensi cenderung menerima resep polifarmasi, baik obat antihipertensi ataupun non-antihipertensi, untuk m…
This research discusses about business development strategy of Cracker in Air Gading, Ogan Komering Ulu.The purpose of this research is to know about the condition of cracker businessin Air Gading …
This study aims to determine the pattern of social interactions, prompted, and inhibitory factors of social interaction between non-permanent teachers and civil servant teachers at SMAN 1 Tanjung R…
The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on various fields of human life, one of which is in terms of social interaction. The purpose of this study was to understand and determine the process and forms …