The phatic communion is a class of words that starting, ending emptiness, emphasizing, smoothing, and ending conversations and are closely related to social situations and regional dialects. The ph…
Background. Esophageal foreign bodies are objects that are stuck in the esophagus either sharp or blunt objects or food due to intentional or unintentional swallowing. Coins are the most commonly i…
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of PT. Bukit Asam Tbk’s CSR corporate social responsibility program in building good relations with stakeholder. This study uses a quantitativedescr…
Kepercayaan adalah salah satu peran atau kunci yang mengarah pada pengungkapan diri dalam menjalani hubungan interpersonal setiap diri individu. Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengetahui apakah terd…
Negara-negara maju cenderung memposisikan diri sebagai mitra strategis bagi negara-negara berkembang untuk menyukseskan proyek-proyek Millenium Development Goals (MDGS). Kelapa sawit menjadi salah …
Child marriage is a problem that occurs almost all over the world, incinding Indonesia,Indonesia is still relatively high in cases of child marriage. Indonesia and Australia aredoing a collaboratio…
Letak Indonesia yang strategis menjadikan perairan Indonesia rentan terhadap berbagai jenis ancaman dan situasi politik regional di Kawasan Asia-Pasifik yang dinamis karena itu kerja sama bilateral…
Tourism is one of the imporiant roles for many countries, both develaped anddevelaping countries hecause the many visits for tourism can improve the country's economy.South Karen is one of the coun…
Air merupakan sumber daya yang mendasar bagi keberlangsungan gerak kehidupan makhluk di bumi terutama manusia. Air sungai citarum menjadi sumber air minum bagi masyarakat sekitarnya berjalannya wak…
Jepang merupakan Negara yang kaya akan sumber daya alam sehingga mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pangan baik itu domestic maupun internasional. Dengan menggunakan makanan, Jepang jepang merubah perspektif…
COVID-19 had an impact on economic stability and the trade balance so the Indonesia-United Arab Emirates CEPA cooperation agreement was formed to optimize trade between the two countries. The purpo…
After the cold war ended, there were developments in the form of threats to the national security of a country. Social media is present as an instrument that has the potential to pose threats on th…
This study explores the role of UNICEF in addressing child marriage in Indonesia in the year 2016. Child marriage is a harmful practice that violates the rights of children, particularly girls, and…
This study examines the role of ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) in reducing child sexual exploitation cases in Thailand from 2016 t…
This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of Mutual LegalAssistance (MLA) between Indonesia and Switzerland in 2020-2022. This research is basedon the fact that there ar…
Every hospital is obliged to strive to achieve the 6 International Patient Safety Goals which are the main indicators in the health service system in order to produce optimal health services and re…
Tourism is a journey from one place to another, temporary in nature, carried out individually or in groups, as an effort to find balance or harmony and happiness with the environment in social, cul…
After the end of Siyad Barre's government in 1991, a power vacuum has developed in Somalia.As a result, there was a power struggle between political elites, warlords, and religious leaderswho wante…
The rise of cases of discrimination and violence against LGBT people has given rise to various LGBT organizations that aim to serve as shelters in efforts to obtain human rights (HAM) so that they …
Positive cases of COVID-19 that continue to increase make the government continue to issue policies so that this pandemic can end. At the immigration agency, based on the principle of selective pol…