Cervical cancer is the mucosa that is on the surface of the cervix and then grows locally and will spread to the uterus, then paracervical tissue and pelvic organs. Cervical cancer can be treated i…
Latar Belakang: . Kanker serviks adalah pertumbuhan sel abnormal pada leher rahim atau leher rahim yang disebabkan oleh virus human papillomavirus (HPV) onkogonik. Salah satu dampak kemoterapi adal…
Ansietas merupakan masalah yang sering pada pasien gagal ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisa. Perubahan gaya hidup, prosedur dan biaya menjadi berbagai faktor yang menyebabkan ansietas pada pa…
This book proposes an integrated model of treatment for Personality Disorders (PDs) that goes beyond outdated categorical diagnoses, aiming to treat the general factors underlying the pathology of …
Cervical cancer patients who will undergo chemotherapy experience anxiety with complaints of feeling afraid of facing treatment failure, difficulty breathing, decreased appetite, anxiety, and diffi…