Aerodinamika adalah cabang ilmu dinamika yang mempelajari gerak suatu udara atau komposisi gas lainnya sehingga menghasilkan suatu gaya gesek yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja kendaraan. Ada beberapa…
Additive manufacturing is a manufacturing method that utilizes layer by layer stacking of a material. One classification of additive manufacturing is 3D printing. Plastic filaments used for 3D prin…
Gear is one type of transmission element that is important for moving motion (especially rotation). The load that works on the gears caused by the squeezing process between the upper and lower gear…
Welding is one of the metal splicing methods that are widely used for building construction. Dissimilar welding is the dissimilar release of different materials that are not same. Welding using SMA…
Everyone must have known what a pipe is, a cylindrical object that is used to drain fluid, such as alteria in the body and veins in human blood vessels that drain blood from one organ to another. I…
Kontes Mobil Hemat Energi (KMHE) is an annual competition in the automotive prototype and urban concept categories. Participants must design, build, and compete for unique vehicles that can achieve…
At the time of welding it will definitely cause residual stresses, if this is ignored it will result damage and decrease the service life of the material. This study was conducted to predict and an…
The total weight of a vehicle is considered as one of the factors that affect fuel consumpti on. From the calculation of the weight per part, the Steering System section using hallow iron material …
The sorting process in the industrial world is an essential process for separating products based on type, quality, size, and various other. This research is carried out to design and build a pneum…
In the mining industry, especially in coal mining, there is a process of loading and unloading from the train carriage to the Belt Conveyor using an Apron Feeder which can accommodate a load of 90 …
Dewasa ini, permintaan konsumsi telur semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Proses produksi yang semakin baik juga membuat proses sortasi dan pengemasan harus dipercepat atau diperbanyak. Tujuan dari …
Kebutuhan listrik terus meningkat dari waktu ke waktu, dan di sisi lain ketersediaan batubara, minyak dan gas semakin menurun. EBT adalah solusinya, dan biogas adalah salah satunya. Di Science Tech…
In the 20th century, the automotive sector experienced very rapid progress, especially in two-wheeled motor vehicles. Two-wheeled motorized vehicles have become an alternative tool for the communit…
The frame structure system is the most common form consisting of beams and columns that work together in a unified whole to wit hstand the working load. The structural system is divided into two pa…
Shell Eco Marathon (SEM) adalah sebuah ajang kompetisi mahasiswa ditingkat internasional dimana para peserta berpacu dalam merancang bangun sebuah kendaraan dengan konsep kendaraan masa depan yang …
Corrosion is a very big problem in the industrial world in Indonesia. Basically, most of Indonesia's territory is in the form of water. In the industrial world, many structures or structures are ma…
Industrial advancements in the age of the revolution are accelerating, resulting in a slew of new innovations that can generate high-quality goods. Dissimilar welding technology is one of them. In …
Engineering and repair industrialization is a sign of technical progress. Welding has been one of the initiatives to improve the quality of the product being manufactured. The type of welding metho…
This study aims to determine students perception of online learning mechanical engineering education program sriwijaya university. This type of research is a descriptive research with a qualitative…
In this industrial era 4.0, there are many metals used in everyday life. Metal has a problem that the metal will experience damage due to a reaction with the surrounding environment called corrosio…
Limbah hasil pembakaraan batubara disebut fly ash, namun dalam dunia industri sering memanfaatkan batubara sebagai bahan bakar, padahal limbah hasil pembakaran batubara tersebut secara tidak lang…
Air bersih merupakan salah satu sumber daya yang paling berharga karena fungsinya dalam membangun kehidupan. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk dan pertumbuhan industri menyebabkan permintaan akan air b…
Tulang kanselus adalah tulang yang memiliki peranan penting pada tubuh manusia Tulang kanselus manusia memiliki tingkat porositas yang berbeda beda mulai dari bagian luar sampai intinya. Porosita…
Berkembangnya ilmu kedokteran dan ilmu mekanika yang dipadukan atau bisa disebut dengan biomekanika (biomechanics). Aplikasi dalam bidang ini misalnya pada tulang. Tulang mempunyai fitur unik kem…
Sebagian masyakarat tau apa itu baja. Baja sering di gunakan masyarakat sebagai bahan industri dan bahan bangunan, karena baja mempunyai beberapa keunggulan dibandingkan dengan bahan konstruksi l…
Sepeda motor adalah alat transportasi yang banyak digunakan di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Rangka merupakan komponen yang sangat penting dari sepeda motor karena berfungsi sebagai penopang…
Corrosion is metal damage characterized by brownish color on the surface, one of the factors of corrosion occurrence is the environment. Corrosion can provide huge losses economically. To slow the …
This study aims to determine how much influence quenching towards the hardness value of the casting specimens. This study used an experimental method by combining of 2 types of cooling media and ho…
Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian ekperimen. Karena baja karbon memiliki kemampuan cor yang baik dan baryak digunakan sebagai bahan industri otomotif contohoya velg sepeda motor, dan hargany…
Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat, Indonesia sangat membutuhkan energy untuk penunjang aktivitas kehidupan. Salah satu energy yang sangat menunjang kegiatan ekonomi manusia adalah Energi Listri…