Data Kemenkes, menyebutkan terdapat sebanyak 43 Rumah Sakit Khusus Jiwa yang ada di seluruh Indonesia. Rumah Sakit Ernaldi Bahar merupakan satu-satu rumah sakit khusus jiwa di Provinsi Sumatera Sel…
Food and drink must be safe from contamination of pathogenic microorganisms so that hygiene sanitation in its processing and presentation becomes the main thing. Processing and serving large amount…
Tuberculosis is a disease that is a health problem in every country, including in Indonesia. Indonesia occupies the position of the five largest countries in tuberculosis cases in the world. Ogan I…
The Indonesia Health Program with a Family Approach (PIS-PK) is the main program in the National Mid-term health development. Satu Ulu public health center have not reached the PIS-PK data collecti…
Complementary Food for Mother's Milk (MP-ASI) is a food or drink that contains nutrients, given to babies aged 6-24 months to meet nutritional needs other than breast milk. Early breastfeeding is a…
The Correlation of Exclusive Breastfeeding and The Incidence of Childhood Pneumonia at Indralaya Public Health Center Ogan Ilir xx + 84 pages, 42 tables, 2 images, 8 attachments ABSTRACT Pneumonia …
Using fire in the process of tofu production without adequate building conditions can causes a hot working climate and triggers symptoms of heat strain for workers. Heat Strain is a physiological r…
The principle of portability in the national health insurance program aims to ensure that social security can be carried out faurky and equally for all Indonesian People.. In practice, this princip…
Persentase rumah tangga berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) di Desa Mulya Jaya yaitu 61,19% yang bearti belum mencapai target Nasional sebesar 80%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui fakt…
Demam berdarah merupakan penyakit menular yang harus mendapatkan prioritas penanganan karena berpotensi menimbulkan kematian. Penyakit DBD dapat muncul sepanjang tahun dan dapat menyerang seluruh…
Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) terdapat 5,7 juta penyakit dermatitis kontak iritan. Di Indonesia terdapat 66,3% kejadian dermatitis kontak iritan. Dan berdasarkan data dari Dinas Kesehata…
Permenkes No 12 Tahun 2017 menetapkan cakupan imunisasi nasional minimal 90%, namun terdapat ketidaksesuaian dengan hasil capaian imunisasi dasar lengkap pada SDKI 2017 dimana hanya 70% anak yang m…