Pantai (shore) merupakan daerah di tepi perairan yang dipengaruhi oleh air pasang tertinggi dan air surut terendah Kerentanan suatu pantai dapat ditentukan dengan memperhatikan beberapa faktor yang…
Development of tidal measurements has been carried out since the ineffectiveness of previous tools. A result of measurement tools had been developed form manual into digital data. Microcontroller a…
Penelitian ini menggunakan data pasang surut di 5 (lima) stasiun pengamatan pasang surut, yaitu: Boombaru, Sungai Lais, Selat Jaran, Upang dan Tanjung Buyut. Data pasang surut tersebut diperoleh da…
Seiring berkembangnya luasan areal budidaya tambak di Sumatera Selatan mengakibatkan produksi udang dari tahun ke tahun meningkat, peningkatan akan berdampak pada keuntungan dalam usaha budidaya ta…
Research on sound detection clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) hydroacustic method has been done in June 2011 to January 2012 in the laboratory of remote sensing, acouslics, and Instrumentation Marin…
Territorial waters breach in Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone happens because the abundant fish resource in Malacca Strait, so much of the foreign fisherman is using that fisheries potential to d…
Conservation measures in the area of mangrove forest in South Sumatra Banyuasin needs to be done. In addition to its function and benefits are highly strategic and complex, as well as its existence…
A research about the impact of Coastal area society economic empowerment (PEMP) on the society’s income of programme receiver in Sungai Batang village, Air Sugihan subdistrict OKI regency South S…
Coral reef reaserch about cover condition of hard coral and soft coral in Pramuka Island Adminisratif Regency Seribu IslandDKI Jakarta w as conducted on november 2011. The purpose of this reasearch…
Increased human activity in recent years along the Musi River flow has an impact on the ecosystems of the Musi River estuary, one of the impacts of increased suspended solids and dissolved in the m…
Feeding on fish farming technology should consider the various aspects that are efficient, effective, environmentally friendly and safe fish produced for consumers. aquaculture activities in ponds …
Atletik merupakan salah satu materi pokok dalam kurikulum yang di dalamnya mencakup cabang lari, lompat dan lempar. Yang menjadi kendala guru dalam menyampaikan pendidikan jasmani pada dasarnya sis…
One of the biological resources that have important economic value is seaweed. During this seaweed is only used as a source of food, medicines and cosmetics. The many types of seaweed that untapped…
Seaweed Gracilaria sp is one of the natural ingredients that does not cause resistance to disease in a living organism because it has a secondary metabolite that can kill bacteria. The purpose of t…
Researched about The Impact of Policy Implementation The National Program of Self-Supporting Marine and Fisheries Comniunily Empowerment (PNPM Mandiri-KP) For Rate Welfare Society of Prawn Farmers …
The northeast Indian Ocean is a region crossed by the monsoon winds and bordered by mainland on northem and eastem side that allegedly the water mass is influenced by these two factors. This resear…
The success ofincreased production of snapper feed depends on many factors, but the nutrients from food is a major factor in intensive care because of feed shortages would hamper growth and hasten …
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Laut (BBPBL) Lampung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan w…
The aim of this research was to find out the level of copper and cadmium metals toxicity by deterraining value LC50 - 48 hours to sea horses, therefore we can know the concentration value that is r…
The degradat ion of mangrove area in P ayo Bay is caused by many factors, such as : the settlement, the development of industry, and the banhing. The purpose of research is to know the growing leve…
The research about heavy metal content of Pb and Cu in water and sediment of Musi River Estuary has been done on September 2008. The aim of this research were to determint of Pb and Cu and to compa…
Accuracy in food on planktonic stadium of larvae was main successful support in sea cucumber (Holothuria scabra) cultivation until juvenile and adult stadium. The aim of this reaserch are to know k…
A research of isolation and identification of vibrio at semi intensive of tiger shrimp’s dyke Teluk Payo village Banyuasin regency South sumatera had been done on June 2009 until July 2009 in mic…
This research was conducted from Juny 4lh to July 4th 2009. The aim of this research is to know condition of livers’s grace kelly fish (Cromileptes altivelis) caused by lead (Pb). The total of an…
Research on "Growth Studies Seaweed {Eucheuma cottonii) WithVarious Different Planting Methods on Kalianda Strait, South Lampung" was done March until April 2010. The aim of this research ware to k…
The community of gastropods is very influenced by change as which happened in the ecosystera, maritime tourism development give on effect to the community gastropods in Pasir Padi Beach. This resea…
The aim of this research was to find information about the wides and percentage of coral reef after earthquake and tsunami that happened on December 26th 2006 and March 28th 2005 at North Beach Wat…
The analyze of coral reef research was conducted on july 2009 at territorial water Sea Protection Area Sub-district of Panggang Island Archipelago of Seribu, DKI Jakarta Province. The purpose of th…