Pada pengguna narkotika, self efficacy adalah keyakinan seseorang akan kemampuannya dalam melewati masa rehabilitasi dengan baik sehingga setelah selesai mengikuti program, residen tidak lagi menga…
Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five (children under five years old), which is a result of chronic malnutrition, so the child is too short for her age. The results of…
Talang Aur Health Center is the health center with the highest incidence of diarrhea in Ogan Ilir Regency. Puskesmas Talang Aur is a puskesmas with an increasing number of diarrhea every year. The …
Salah satu jenis dari radiasi pengion yaitu radiasi foton, dimana radiasi foton dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu radiasi sinar-X dan juga radiasi Gamma, radiasi sinar-X dan radiasi gamma memiliki kemiripan n…
Jumlah penduduk yang besar dengan persebaran yang tidak merata serta memiliki kualitas yang rendah merupakan masalah kompleks yang harus dihadapi Negara berkembang, salah satunya adalah Negara Indo…
anau Ceper is the lowest prevalence of diarrohea prevalence at Jejawi which is 10,2%, but also as the smallest village of healthy latrine access which is 11%. To solve this problem, the village gov…
The Mobile JKN application is one of the local applications to improve services for JKN participants which was launched in 2017, however the use of local applications in Indonesia tends to be low e…
The Public Health Center of Coral city ecologically has the potential natural resources of the sea are abundant because it is located on the coast. the incidence of stunting in the region work Publ…
The danger that is in the laboratory if not treated will have an impact both on every human who enters and uses the laboratory, as well as having an impact on damage to the equipment in the laborat…
The Elderly Health Program is a program for the elderly to get integrated health services to maintain and improve the health status of the elderly in old age. With the existence of this program, th…
Biggest factor of occupational accident in company is unsafety behavior by workers then followed by unsafe condition that happen in work area. Based on the theory that say many factors can influenc…
Mental disorder is one of the public health problems. The prevalence of mental disorders increases every year. Regular treatment is an important thing related to healing patients with mental disord…
Perkembangan zaman menggiring manusia pada kemudahan akses informasi melalui internet. Mudahnya akses terhadap internet dapat memberikan efek negatif yang menyebabkan perilaku menyimpang, salah sat…
Percetakan menggunakan tinta yang mengandung pigmen organik yang berasal dari hidrokarbon aromatik seperti benzena, naftalena, satau antrasena Paparan pelarut organik dalam ruang lingkup kerja di p…
ABSTRAK Pencetak batubata menghadapi bahaya pada setiap tahap pekerjaannya. risiko terjatuh, terpeleset, tersandung, dan tenggelam dapat terjadi. Masyarakat Kabupaten Muara Enim sebagian besar beke…
Drugs are psychoactive substances that affect the brain function. People who are addicted to drugs will experience changes in drug seeking behavior and drug consumption that will lead to harmful be…
The incidence of Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA) is still one of the most common public health problems in the Ujan Mas Community Health Center, Muara Enim Regency. The research objective …
The reform era led to the rapid development of information technology, including the use of smart phone devices. BPJS Kesehatan contains the Mobile JKN application which can make it easier for part…
A strategic plan is a process of analyzing, formulating, and evaluating the problems that exist in the company so that it can minimize threats either from outside or within the company. Based on da…
Behavior of people in Kelurahan 7 Ulu Kota Palembang who do not have latrine is low socioeconomic and limited land and lack of willingness, to have their own latrines because they feel that their n…
PT Bukit Asam Tbk is one of the five largest coal producers in Indonesia. To minimize violations, PT Bukit Asam Tbk has made a program, namely golden rules, Which aims to prevent violations. Becaus…
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Remaja merupakan salah satu kelompok usia yang sangat rentan kurang dalam konsumsi sayur dan buah. Buah dan sayur memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan dan memiliki banyak …
Tuberculosis is still a public health and is one of the goals of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in Muara Enim District, which had a total of 1.737 cases in 2019 and an increase from the prev…
Indonesia it self records about 58,256 cases of breast cancer deaths each year. There were 957cases of breast cancer in South Sumatra in 2018 and 772 cases in 2019. This will greatly affect the qua…
Whole body vibration known as the cause interference of low back pain, the operator of heavy tool is a group which impacted whole body vibration with high frequency. The exposed of WBV which is hap…
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is aninfectious diseases that has cause death. in 2018 cases of DHF in south sumatera province reached 2396 cases (IR=29/100.000). in 2018 in Ogan Ilir distric, There…
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) continues to be a major global health problem that has claimed more than 32 million lives so far. The main risk factors for HIV transmission are sexual behavior. …
Nutritional problems of stunting occurs almost throughout the territory of Indonesia and does not only occur in the group of poor people, but also experienced by households that are not poor or be …
Chemical Engineering Laboratory of Sriwijaya University is one of the buildings that stores flammable and oxidized chemicals and electrical equipment that has a risk of fire. Emergency response pla…
Hand Hygiene is one of the effective steps to prevent and control hospital infections. Based on data from the Special Eye Hospital of South Sumatra Province in 2019, the percentage of health worker…