It is important for an organization to have strategic planning. One of the organization that needs to have good strategic planning is hospitals, especially private hospitals in the midst of intense competition between hospitalin Indonesia. This is because, startegic planning produces strategies that can help advance hospital into gaining its goal. Strategic planning should be carefully drawn up while taking the SWOT that the hospital hasinto account. This is a qualitative method research with descriptive design. There are 6 informats that participated in this research, which consists of the director, medical service manager, medical support manager, nursing manager, financial and general manager of Kambang Jambi Hospital. The data accumulated in this research are from primary and secondary data. The data then analyzed by IFE matrix, EFE matrix, IE matrix, SWOT diagram, and QSPM matrix.Based on the calculation of IE matrix, it is shown that Kambang Jambi Hospital occupy a stabil position, which is the exact sam position as Kambang Jambi Hospital 4 years prior to the research. However, based on the SWOT diagram, it is shown that Kambang Jambi Hospital occupy quadrant II, which means that Kambang Jambi Hospital needs to develop its strategies in order to advance. The development can be in the form of diversification strategies, which is a way to develop the strategies that already exist to be more efficient and effective. Concluded that the strategies that have been formed in the strategis plan Kambang jambi Hospital 2016-2021 could be develop, through diversification strategies with the help and cooperation of Kambang Jambi Hospital and PT. Kambang Mitra Husada as the stakeholder of Kambang Jambi Hopsital.
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