POLICY ADMINISTRATION AND HEALTH FACULTY OF PUBLIC HEALTH SRIWIJAYA UNIVERSITY Thesis, March 2021 Tri Januarita Safitri; Guided by Iwan Stia Budi, S.KM., M.Kes Analysis of Context Factors of Exclusive Breastfeeding Policy through Ethnographic Approaches to the Komering Tribe in the Work Area of the Cempaka Community Health Center xvi, 107 pages, 6 tables, 11 pictures, 11 attachments ABSTRACT The Indonesian government has issued a policy stipulated in Government Regulation no. 33 of 2012. which aims to support exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia, but offering exclusive breastfeeding in the working area of the Cempaka Community Health Center has not been carried out with proper supervision, one of the causes is culture. The purpose of this study was to analyze the context factors that influence the exclusive breastfeeding policy through an ethnographic approach to the Komering Tribe in the working area of the Cempaka Community Health Center. The study used a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. The informants in this study were 18 informants, namely breastfeeding mothers, traditional leaders, posyandu cadres, village midwives, nutrition program managers, and heads of puskesmas. The selection of informants is selected based on the principles of suitability and adequacy of information. The results showed that there were factors that influenced the implementation of the exclusive breastfeeding policy, including structural factors that were already good but not optimal because there was no governing SOP. Situational factors, namely the existence of family support and support from health workers, as well as the condition of the baby and the condition of the mother who is healthy. The factor is offering complementary foods from an early age in the form of bananas, porridge and honey, and some taboos and recommendations adopted by the island that are contrary to behavior such as consuming water (rivers) which cannot increase breast milk production and not consuming fish because breast milk will disturb the fish. As well as economic factors, namely the income earned is used for daily needs and there is no special allocation of funds to support exclusive breastfeeding. Suggestions to Cempaka Health Center to optimize health promotion activities to the public regarding exclusive breastfeeding by involving cross-sectors. Keywords : Policy Implementation, Exclusive breastfeeding Literature : 73 (1979-2020)
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