Stunting is one of the nutritional problems that affect the improvement of the quality of human resources. Efforts are needed to deal with stunting, one of which is the PAK CAMAT innovation program and TEBU MANIS carried out by the Simpang Periuk Health Center, Lubuklinggau city. The purpose of this study was to evaluate by analyzing the inputs, processes and outputs of the PAK CAMAT innovation program and TEBU MANIS. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive research design. The research informants were 9 people, namely the internal health center involved and participants who participated in the program..The results show that the input component still has several obstacles, namely the absence of HR training, the lack of SOPs that regulate, and inadequate inspection room infrastructure. In the process component, there are activities in the innovation program that have not been carried out properly, namely training on making sweet sugar cane and inspection of catin because of limited infrastructure. Meanwhile, in the output, the average number of participants participating in the program is 75% of the expected and it is known that there is participant dissatisfaction in participating in the innovation program. Based on this, the innovation program still needs to be improved and developed so that it can be implemented optimally. Suggestions to the Simpang Periuk Health Center are to improve services and monitor innovation programs through the completeness of infrastructure and improve coordination with related cross-sectors.
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