Penelitian ini adalah penelitian jenis pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk Buku Ajar pada matakuliah pengelasan TIG dan MIG. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Program Studi PendidikanTeknik Mesin Universitas Sriwijaya. Penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan dengan subjek pada mahasiswa pendidikan teknik mesin angkatan 2017 dan objek penelitian adalah Buku Ajar. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan yang berorientasi pada produk dengan tahapan: potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan informasi, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk, uji coba pemakaian, revisi produk, produk massal. Tahapan pengembangan buku ajar akan di ujikaan melalui tahapan validasi terlebih dahulu diantaranya Validasi ahli. Validasi yang dilakukan yakni Validas Materi dan Validasi Media yang di tujukan untuk menilai kevalidan buku ajar. Evaliasi pengembangan buku ajar ini dilakukan menggunakan tahapan rowntree diantaranya beberapa pengujian yaitu uji orang perorang (one two one) dengan 3 mahasiswa, uji kelompok kecil (small group) dengan 6 mahasiswa, dan uji lapangan (field test) dengan 25 mahasiswa. Hasil pengujian field test dan small group tujunnya yaitu untuk mengukur ke prakktisan buku ajar. Pada penguji an kepraktisan ini mendapatkan hasil uji small group 84% (sangat baik) dan field test 85% (sangat baik). Hasil kevalidan materi 87,5% (sangat valid) dan hasil validasi media 69,4% (valid). Maka buku ajar yang telah dikembangkan bisa disimpulkan sudah valid. Kata Kunci : Buku Ajar, Pengelasan TIG dan MIG, Rowntree, Valid, Praktis. TEACHING BOOK DEVELOPMENT IN TIG AND MIG WELDING MATERIALS IN THE STUDY OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION ENGINEERING SRIWIJAYA UNIVERSITY Anita Puspitasari Sriwijaya University Abstract . This research is a type of development research that aims to produce a textbook product in TIG and MIG welding courses. This research was conducted in the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, Sriwijaya University. This development research was carried out with the subject of mechanical engineering education students class of 2017 and the object of research was the Textbook. This research method uses a product-oriented development research method with the stages: potentials and problems, information gathering, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, usage testing, product revision, mass products. The stages of textbook development will be tested through the first validation stages including expert validation. Validation is carried out namely Validas Material and Media Validation which are aimed at assessing the validity of textbooks. The evaluation of the development of this textbook was carried out using the downtree stage including several tests, namely the one-to-one test with 3 students, the small group test with 6 students, and the field test with 25 students. The goal of the field test and small group test results is to measure the practicality of textbooks. In this practicality test, the small group test results were 84% (very good) and the field test results were 85% (very good). The validity results of the material were 87.5% (very valid) and the results of media validation were 69.4% (valid). Then the textbook that has been developed can be concluded that it is valid. Keywords: Textbooks, TIG and MIG Welding, Rowntree, Valid, Practical.
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