ABSTRACT This research is in background backs the problems in the city of Palembang which always get successive awards through the healthy city program with indicators or the main objective of achieving the conditions of the city of Palembang to live clean, comfortable, safe and healthy to be inhabited, but in the city of Palembang still many health problems arising from several areas in the city of Palembang there are still slums full of garbage, dirty, uncomfortable and healthy to live in. This study aims to find out how the healthy city coach team in Palembang works in implementing the healthy city program in Palembang according to the Decree of the Mayor of Palembang No. 27.a / KPTS / BAPPEDA LITBANG / 2017 regarding the formation of a healthy city coach team in Palembang City. The method used in this research is qualitative. The data used in the form of primary data and secondary data obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. This study uses the theory of Charles O. Jones which has three criteria namely, organization, interpretation, and application. The results showed that the Implementation of the Decree of the Mayor of Palembang Number 27.a / KPTS / BAPPEDA LITBANG / 2017 Regarding the Formation of a Healthy City Advisory Team in Palembang City had not gone well. That is because there are still some problems found. For example, the recognition of the development team is different from the data in the field, the development team said that it was already good in understanding its duties and responsibilities, but in the field the community felt that there had been no impact from the healthy city program. Then the development team does not yet have a Standard Operating Procedure in carrying out their duties, then the development team does not yet have a work program and routine activities that are specifically written and planned. Suggestions and recommendations resulting from this research, So that the Healthy Cities Program in Palembang City has standard operational procedures, work programs, and routine activities for the development team so that the development team understands their duties and responsibilities as the development team and the implementation is more directed and that the City of Palembang not only get awards but the whole community can feel the impact of these achievements.
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