This research aims to know about the application of Good Corporate Goverment prinsiples at Bank Sumsel Babel Unit Usaha Syariah, and of course to know about how the application of good corporate gevemance can determine that the operational mecanism at Bank Sumsel Babel Unit Usaha Syariah had fiilfill and appropriate with syariah principles. Because of recent development prove that management of the company is not enough determine about the process of management is efficient. So, we need new instrument, Good Corporate Govemance (GCG) to determine that the management is going well on fulfill management principles of banking or syariah banking principles that appropriate with good corporate govemance (GCG) principles. This research use the primary data with the questionnaire to Dewan Pengawas Syariah and StafTs of Bank Sumsel Babel Unit Usaha Syariah. The result of these research shows that Bank Sumsel Babel Unit Usaha Syariah had tried to apply the GCG principles at the company however there must be some weakness at application on field. To increase and optimize the performance of company, author suggest the company to apply Good Corporate Govemance application at whole company and distribute it well. So, it can be a wisdom of company responsibilities.
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