APA Style
Newsam, Barbara Sprague. (1992).
COMPLETE Student Assistance Program HANDBOOK: Techniques and Materials for Alcohol/Drug Prevention and Intervention in Grades 7-12 .
Cincinnati, Ohio:
The Center For Applied Research In Education.
Chicago Style
Newsam, Barbara Sprague.
COMPLETE Student Assistance Program HANDBOOK: Techniques and Materials for Alcohol/Drug Prevention and Intervention in Grades 7-12.
Cincinnati, Ohio:
The Center For Applied Research In Education,
MLA Style
Newsam, Barbara Sprague.
COMPLETE Student Assistance Program HANDBOOK: Techniques and Materials for Alcohol/Drug Prevention and Intervention in Grades 7-12.
Cincinnati, Ohio:
The Center For Applied Research In Education,
Turabian Style
Newsam, Barbara Sprague.
COMPLETE Student Assistance Program HANDBOOK: Techniques and Materials for Alcohol/Drug Prevention and Intervention in Grades 7-12.
Cincinnati, Ohio:
The Center For Applied Research In Education,