APA Style

Filter, Richard A, Davidson, Erie H. (1987). Molecular approaches to developmental biology. (UCLA symposia on molucelar and cellular biology ; volume 51) . New York: Alan R Liss inc.

Chicago Style

Filter, Richard A, Davidson, Erie H. Molecular approaches to developmental biology. (UCLA symposia on molucelar and cellular biology ; volume 51). New York: Alan R Liss inc, 1987. Text.

MLA Style

Filter, Richard A, Davidson, Erie H. Molecular approaches to developmental biology. (UCLA symposia on molucelar and cellular biology ; volume 51). New York: Alan R Liss inc, 1987. Text.

Turabian Style

Filter, Richard A, Davidson, Erie H. Molecular approaches to developmental biology. (UCLA symposia on molucelar and cellular biology ; volume 51). New York: Alan R Liss inc, 1987. Print.