Perilaku konsumtif remaja dalam berbelanja di distro Kota Palembang
This study entitled "Consumer Behavior Youth in Palembang City Shopping Distro". The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze lifestyles and consumer behavior among adolescents and to examine the reasons why the youth, especially students choose the products sold in distributions as a means to realize their consumer behavior. The method in this research is qualitative research. To test the validity of data used triangulation data. Triangulation reflects an attempt to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon being studied. Informants in this study amounted to 10 people. The sampling technique researches through purposive sampling. From a series of data obtained in the field can be concluded that the presence of distribution as one of the places actualize themselves to consume is a new phenomenon that has sprung up in cities in Indonesia, including Palembang. Attendance shopping areas such as distributions in Palembang has meaning, role, function alone for adolescents. An important role is the main distro most distro most important is the distro as a place to perform various consumption activities such as shopping, sightseeing and socializing. Existence distribution as one of the shopping areas in Palembang role as a consumer society Palembang to seek and fulfill what they need.
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