APA Style

Eismeier, Theodore J, Pollock III, Philip H. (1988). BUSINESS, MONEY and the Rise of CORPORATE PACs in AMERICAN ELECTIONS . USA: Greenwood Press.

Chicago Style

Eismeier, Theodore J, Pollock III, Philip H. BUSINESS, MONEY and the Rise of CORPORATE PACs in AMERICAN ELECTIONS. USA: Greenwood Press, 1988. Text.

MLA Style

Eismeier, Theodore J, Pollock III, Philip H. BUSINESS, MONEY and the Rise of CORPORATE PACs in AMERICAN ELECTIONS. USA: Greenwood Press, 1988. Text.

Turabian Style

Eismeier, Theodore J, Pollock III, Philip H. BUSINESS, MONEY and the Rise of CORPORATE PACs in AMERICAN ELECTIONS. USA: Greenwood Press, 1988. Print.