Pengelolaan dana zakat infak sedekah di sumatera selatan (studi pada badan amil zakat nasional dan dompet dhuafa Sumatera Selatan)
This study on the management of zakat, donations and alms in South Sumatra with the object of
research and the National Zakat Agency Wallet Dhuafa South Sumatra. This research is a qualitative
descriptive study with the aim to identify and describe the management of zakat, donations and alms in
South Sumatra.
Dimensional management of zakat, charitable donations and there are 3 (three), the dimensions of the
planning, implementation and monitoring, planning dimension consists of goals, objectives and
budget. Dimensions implementation consists of the collection, distribution and utilization, reporting.
Dimensions supervision consists of internal controls and external oversight.
Based on the findings the authors showed that the planning phase are implemented National Zakat
Agency and Wallets Dhuafa South Sumatra has been good enough, but there are still many obstacles in
the implementation. During the implementation phase of collecting zakat, donations and alms were
implemented Wallet Dhuafa South Sumatra higher than National Zakat Agency of South Sumatra.
During the implementation phase distribution and utilization of zakat, donations and alms Wallet
Dhuafa South Sumatra higher than National Zakat Agency of South Sumatra. Number muzakki and
mustahik Wallet Dhuafa South Sumatra higher than National Zakat Agency of South Sumatra. At the
monitoring stage, the internal control and eksternalyang implemented Wallet Dhuafa South Sumatra
already clear who oversees the management of zakat, donations and alms. Oversight of the National
Zakat South Sumatra is the internal control, and there is no designation for external supervision.
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