The implementation of peer editing technique in improving recount writing achievement of the 10th graders of senior high school number 3 Prabumulih
This study aimed to ftrd out s'hether or not thcre \'vas a significance difference before and
after the students rvere taught through Peer Editing Technique and to fmd out whether or not
there u'as a signilicant difftrence in recount rvriting achievement betrveen students of SMA
Negeri 3 Prabunulih u,ho rvere taught through Peer editing Technique and those of that rvho
were not. The sample was 58 students lvhich were taken by using purposive sanipling
method. Aquasi-experirnental study rvas used. The calculation rvas done by using SPSS
(Statistical Package for Social Science) r,ersion 21. The results of paired sample t-test in
experimental group shorved the t-obtained was higher than the critical value of t-table (9.087
> 2.A4I). It could be stated that there was a significant difference in the recount rvriting
achie'i.ement before and after the treatment in experimental group. Besides, the independent
sample t-test shou,ed the t-obtained rvas also higher than t-table after students' ntean score
rvas calculated (8.474 > 2.003). It can be assumed that there was a significant difference
betrveen students r.vho rrere taught through Peer editing Technique (experimental group) and
those r,r'ho rvere not (control goup). in brief, Peer editing Technique rvas effectir,e in
improving students' recount rvriting achievement.
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