Fenomena poligami pernikahan siri di Desa Pandan Agung Kecamatan Madang Suku II Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur (studi pada perempuan yang dinikahi secara siri)
The title of this study is “the phenomenon of polygamy marriage siri in Pandan Agung Village, Madang Suku II Sub-District East Ogan Komering Ulu District”. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors encourage women in polygamy series and how the performance of the functions families in polygamy series goes well . The research are qualitative research which is descriptive to describe reality it have done purposively. Informants in this research amount 10 persons. Collecting data technique by using interviews in observation and documentation. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques . The survey results revealed that factors pushing women polygamous siri is the absence of consent from the first wife , pride , lack of knowledge about the impact of marriage siri , local economic and cultural environment . Implementation of the functions of the family which polygamy include reproductive function, socialization function , the function of affection , protection function, economic function , a religious function , the function of education , recreation function.
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