Implementasi algoritma genetika dalam membangun papan permainan teka-teki silang otomatis
Crossnumbers is one type of crossword puzzles. Crossnumbers puzzle board has many variations of boards based on figures compiled on the board that has intersection. Genetic algorithms are applied to determine shape of crossword puzzle board optimal. Initial population is formed by a random method. Next population uses operator in genetic algorithm, namely roulette wheel selection and cross-over one point. This reseach introduced formula of fitness value for a crossword puzzle based on intersection between questions and number of questions that are formed. This reseach was built with three levels namely easy levels of 20 genes, medium level of 100 genes and difficult levels of 200 genes. Each level was tested with a different number of chromosomes that is 30 chromosomes and 60 chromosomes. Population limit was set at 25 population. Test results showed that maximum fitness value for this formula to calculating value of fitness of this research is 0,573 at difficult levels with 60 chromosomes.
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