Photography is an art of scicncc that aims to cxplore or leam the ins and ouls about the image and how to produce a good that can bc cnjoycd by connoisscurs photos. Palembang is a city that has the potential ficld of photography arc incrcasingly interested in the community, it cncourages people to form groups (communitics) who havc a common inlercst in terms of the photography. Community Center of Photography in Palembang is a place for the gathering of photography lovers in the city of Palembang, but it also can serve all the needs of photography enthusiasts in particular and society in general in the city of Palembang in terms of photography needs, such as information, courses, sales / leasing, scrvicc, photo studio. The building is also a commercial building in which there is also the exhibition hall and ballroom i n it Photography Community Center in Palembang is using the conccpt of light is given metaforacahaya closely rclatcd to photography. The usc of mctaphor conccpt widcly applied in the room, resulting in a more aesthctic to the room. There arc also other key concepls, such as the concept of the site, konseputilitas, the concept of structurc and konscpvisualisasi.
Inventory Code | Barcode | Call Number | Location | Status |
1307000836 | T131184 | T1311842013 | Central Library (Reference) | Available but not for loan - Not for Loan |
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