Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai karakter dalam pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model GQGA (Giving Question and Getting Answer) pada siswa kelas V di SD Negeri 243 Palembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, kuesioner (angket), dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SD Negeri 243 Palembang telah menerapkan pendidikan karakter dengan baik. Penerapan pendidikan karakter dilakukan melalui pembiasaan nilai-nilai dari beberapa aspek. Pada aspek religius 91,34%, aspek disiplin 87,92%, aspek kerja keras 89,16%, aspek kemandirian 86,25%, aspek menghargai prestasi 89,17%, dan aspek tanggung jawab 91,38%. Melalui model ini, siswa tidak hanya mengembangkan aspek kognitif, tetapi juga aspek afektif dan psikomotorik. Kegiatan pembelajaran seperti diskusi, bertanya, dan menjawab pertanyaan mendorong siswa untuk menginternalisasi nilai-nilai positif yang relevan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan demikian, model GQGA (Giving Question and Getting Answer) dapat dijadikan alternatif efektif dalam mengembangkan pendidikan karakter di sekolah dasar. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Model GQGA, Siswa Sekolah DasarThis research aims to analyze character values in learning using the GQGA (Giving Question and Getting Answer) model in class V students at SD Negeri 243 Palembang. This research uses quantitative descriptive methods with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of the research show that SD Negeri 243 Palembang has implemented character education well. The implementation of character education is carried out through the habituation of values from several aspects. In the religious aspect 91.34%, the discipline aspect 87.92%, the hard work aspect 89.16%, the independence aspect 86.25%, the aspect of appreciating achievement 89.17%, and the responsibility aspect 91.38%. Through this model, students develop not only cognitive aspects, but also affective and psychomotor aspects. Learning activities such as discussions, asking questions, and answering questions encourage students to internalize positive values that are relevant to everyday life. Thus, the GQGA (Giving Question and Getting Answer) model can be an effective alternative in developing character education in elementary schools. Keywords: Character Education, GQGA Model, Elementary School Students
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