The animal ingredient that is commonly used as a source of protein in the formulation of fish feed is fish meal. However, fish meal mostly still relies on imports. Therefore, there is a need for alternative animal ingredients that can be used as raw materials for making feed. One of the potential animal ingredients that can be used is shrimp head meal. This research aimed to determine the best percentage of shrimp head meal in substituting fish meal in feed formulation for growth performance and feed efficiency of kissing gourami. The research was conducted at the Basic Fisheries Laboratory, Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya. Feed proximate analysis was carried out at the Fish Nutrition Laboratory, Aquaculture Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University. This research was conducted in January-February 2024. The research design used a completely randomized design consisting of five treatments and three replications. The treatment (P) given was the combination of fish meal and shrimp head meal with different percentage in the feed formulations for kissing gourami, namely 44%:0% (P0), 33%:11% (P1), 22%:22% (P2), 11%:33% (P3), and 0%:44% (P4). Parameters in this research include absolute growth (weight and length), survival rate, protein efficiency ratio, feed efficiency, and water quality of kissing gourami rearing media. The results showed that the combination of 11% fish meal and 33% shrimp head meal (P3) or substitution of fish meal with shrimp head meal as much as 75% resulted in the best of absolute growth (weight and length), protein efficiency ratio, and feed efficiency of 0.89 g, 0.43 cm, 0.57 and 20.17% respectively. However, shrimp head meal was still able to substitute 100% fish meal in kissing gourami feed formulations (0% fish meal:44% shrimp head meal/P4). Water quality included temperature ranging from 26.8-28.3°C, pH ranging from 6.5-7.2, dissolved oxygen ranging from 3.5-3.9 mg L-1, and ammonia ranging from 0.017-0.091 mg L-1.
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