ABSTRACT : Waste is a problem faced by society. Waste can be utilized by processing it into ecoenzyme. Ecoenzyme is a product of facultative aerobic fermentation for 3 months from fruit and vegetable organic waste. In this study, ecoenzyme was made from a mixture of fruit peel waste (papaya, orange, and pineapple) with 6 liters of water added. The ecoenzyme product was characterized by organoleptic properties, chemical composition, enzyme activity, and antibacterial activity test against Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus mutans bacteria that cause dental caries. The results of the study obtained ecoenzyme products have a dominant sour aroma of orange peel, turbid brown in color with a volume of 8.4 liters from the addition of 6 liters of water. Characterization results obtained the chemical composition of ecoenzyme contains acetic acid and lactic acid with a total acid content of 2.26%, protein 40.45 mg/mL, and secondary metabolites in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, and saponins. Some enzyme activities of the ecoenzyme were protease 0.0246 U/mL, amylase 0.0032 U/mL, and lipase 5 U/mL. Antibacterial activity against bacteria that cause dental caries is categorized as very strong against S. Mutans at a concentration of 40 (%v/v) and moderate against L. acidophilus with inhibition zone diameters of 23.33 mm and 8.23 mm, respectively. The MIC and MKC values of ecoenzyme against S. mutans bacteria are 2500 ppm and L. acidophilus 5000 ppm. ABSTRAK : Limbah merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat. Limbah dapat dimanfaatkan salah satunya dengan cara diolah menjadi ekoenzim. Ekoenzim merupakan produk hasil fermentasi fakultatif aerob selama 3 bulan dari limbah organik buah dan sayur. Pada penelitian ini, ekoenzim dibuat dari campuran limbah kulit buah (pepaya, jeruk, dan nanas) dengan penambahan 6 liter air. Produk ekoenzim dikarakterisasi sifat organoleptik, komposisi kimia, aktivitas enzim, dan uji aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus dan Streptococcus mutans penyebab karies gigi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh produk ekoenzim memiliki aroma asam kulit jeruk dominan, berwarna cokelat keruh dengan volume 8,4 liter dari 6 liter penambahan air. Hasil karakterisasi didapatkan komposisi kimia ekoenzim mengandung asam asetat dan asam laktat dengan kadar asam total 2,26%, protein 40,45 mg/mL, dan metabolit sekunder berupa alkaloid, flavonoid, dan saponin. Aktivitas beberapa enzim dari ekoenzim adalah protease 0,0246 U/mL, amilase 0,0032 U/mL, dan lipase 5 U/mL. Aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri penyebab karies gigi adalah termasuk kategori sangat kuat terhadap S. Mutans pada konsentrasi 40 (%v/v) dan sedang terhadap L.acidophilus dengan diameter zona hambat berturut-turut 23,33 mm dan 8,23 mm. Nilai KHM dan KBM ekoenzim terhadap bakteri S. mutans adalah 2500 ppm dan L. acidophilus 5000 ppm.
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2407000458 | T137737 | T1377372024 | Central Library (References) | Available but not for loan - Not for Loan |
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