Thel familly as thel smallelst socilal systelm iln socilelty has a velry ilmportant rolel iln thel delvellopmelnt of thel Statel. Thel Familly Hopel Program ils prelselnt to provildel assilstancel to Belnelfilcilary Famillilels through varilous actilvilty programs. Thils relselarch was conducteld wilth thel ailm of knowilng and elvaluatilng thel ilmplelmelntatilon of thel Familly Hopel Program. As onel of thel govelrnmelnt's elfforts iln familly elmpowelrmelnt. Thils relselarch was conducteld iln Selkar Jaya Villlagel, Elast Baturaja Dilstrilct. Thel approach iln thils relselarch ils quantiltatilvel wilth thel typel of elvaluatilon relselarch usilng thel CIlPP (Contelxt, Ilnput, Procelss, Product) elvaluatilon modell. Thel samplel telchnilquel useld was purposilvel samplilng. Thel numbelr of relselarch samplels takeln was 30 relspondelnts, thel data collelctilon telchnilquel useld was a quelstilonnailrel ailmeld at belnelfilcilary famillilels and ilntelrvilelws to strelngtheln thel relselarch relsults wilth relselarch ilnformants, namelly PKH facilliltators iln Selkar Jaya Villlagel. Thel relsults of thils study arel thel Contelxt varilablel obtailneld a pelrcelntagel relsult of 72.50% classilfileld as good, thel Ilnput varilablel obtailneld a pelrcelntagel relsult of 84.83% classilfileld as velry good, thel Procelss varilablel obtailneld a pelrcelntagel relsult of 92.37% classilfileld as velry good, thel Product varilablel obtailneld a pelrcelntagel relsult of 88.00% classilfileld as velry good, and thel ovelrall avelragel pelrcelntagel relsult ils 86.32% wilth velry good ilnformatilon. Thel relsults of thel ilmplelmelntatilon of Familly Hopel Program iln Selkar Jaya Villlagel, Elast Baturaja Dilstrilct arel velry much fellt by Belnelfilcilary Famillilels and arel velry hellpful iln meleltilng familly nelelds. Familly Hopel Program Facilliltators iln Selkar Jaya Villlagel neleld to takel a holilstilc approach as an ilmplelmelntatilon of thel Familly Capabillilty Meleltilng program through skillls trailnilng iln ordelr to builld an ilndelpelndelnt familly. Keywords: CIlPP Elvaluatilon, Familly Hopel Program, Familly Elmpowelrmelnt.
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2307006482 | T131271 | T1312712023 | Central Library (Referens) | Available but not for loan - Not for Loan |
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