The main source of electricity in Indonesia is electric power from the stateelectricity company (PLN). Often there are power outages that occur due todisturbances in the electrical system itself or external factors such as weatherconditions and animal disturbances. To anticipate the loss of electrical energy byPLN, a generator set (genset) can be used to replace the lost source of electricity. Ingeneral, the driving motor will experience excessive heat if given a large load. Thisstudy aims to pay attention to the temperature of the new motor and calculate theCOP of the generator system. In this study, testing was carried out by means of adriving motor on a generator set motor given an initial supply of a 24 volt batterywith a loading test of 2600 watts for 10 minutes. When loading is carried out for 10minutes, the temperature of the driving motor reaches 41.6 °C. At the time of loadingthe cable experiences excessive heat so that a cable that is more suitable is needed tobe able to withstand the flowing electric current. With the addition of the capacity ofthe new driving motor, the generator can add more load than previous studies,namely 2600 watts and a COP of 3.19 was obtained.Keywords : Electrical Energy Power Plant, Motor Drive, Temperature, Electrical Energy.
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2307006154 | T129104 | T1291042023 | Central Library (Referens) | Available |
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