Pets Market in Palembang is a market that is expected to facilitate not only in lerms of sales of commercial pet bu t facilitate the activilies of the hobby of raising animals. Pel market formed due to people's desire for the fulfdlment of a hobby of society. Palembang City• Government has planned to build a market that facilitate the activities of the hobby of raising animals. Therefore, the market is designed not only meets the commercial needs of the market, bu/ there are additional functions recreational animals. Design rejlects the recreational market design more freely in the work considering this market has no standardization from the Government. This market approach is designed with the interaclion of humans and animals. The interaclion of humans and animals are the main points in designing the pet market where the interaclion of humans and animals can be deve/oped into the recreational market design. The interaclion of humans and animals was developed and based on the analyzes of the level of closeness of animals and humans in the form of the organization of space in the design. Planning at the site should be divided into general and special categories set out from the background that says that this animal market slems from the community of pet lovers and commercially in general. IVhile the design of the building which is applied from the interaclion of humans and animals can be divided into several categories with their communal space interaclion, specijic interactions in the area of the building, and specific interactions in the relail space is analyzed degree of proximity interactions.
Inventory Code | Barcode | Call Number | Location | Status |
1607000365 | T137918 | T1379182016 | Central Library (REFERENCES) | Available but not for loan - Not for Loan |
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