Harian Pagi Sumatera Ekspres is a local newspaper whose distribution area covers all of South Sumatra and is the oldest mass media in South Sumatra. The success of Harian Pagi Sumatra Ekspres in positioning itself in the market makes its presence successful in establishing brand value for its customers. This study aims to find out how the marketing communication strategy of Harian Pagi Sumatra Ekspres in retaining customers. The research method used in this study is a descriptive-qualitative method used to investigate and interpret phenomena from a group of people or several individuals to answer a social or humanitarian problem by involving important efforts, such as asking various questions, collecting data, analyzing data systematically, inductive then closes the meaning of the data obtained. Based on the results of the data that has been collected, it can be interpreted that the Harian Pagi Sumatera Ekspres has used a mix of integrated marketing communication strategies (IMC) in running its company's business with the selection of strategies in each dimension adjusting the goals and objectives of each. The use of public relations is important to prioritize this considering that the Harian Pagi Sumatera Ekspres needs to maintain its reputation and existence among the community through being actively involved in various community events or holding programs that leave an impression on the public. Keyword: Harian Pagi Sumatera Ekspres, Local Newspaper, Integrated Marketing Communication
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