ABSTRAK Penelitian ini memiliki rumusan yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh keyakinan misinformasi, keyakinan konspirasi, keyakinan misinformasi agama serta evaluasi kredibilitas tentang COVID-19 pada respons individu tentang COVID-19, yang didasari oleh teori stimulus respons dan teori ketahanan. Metode yang digunakan adalah non probablity sampling dengan pendekatan accidental samping. Analisis data menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) yang diolah menggunakan perangkat lunak smartpls3. Peneliti menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 190 responden masyarakat Kecamatan Indralaya Kabupatan Ogan Ilir. Penelitian ini menghasilkan nilai R Square sebesar 0.58. Sehingga disimpulkan bahwa evaluasi kredibilitas dan keyakinan misinformasi agama sangat baik dalam respons individu COVID-19 dengan pengaruh positif sebesar 19.5% dan sebesar 48.4%, serta keyakinan konspirasi dan keyakinan misinformasi akan datang berikutnya dan berpengaruh negatif sebesar -23.5% dan sebanyak -34.7%. Kata Kunci : Misinformasi, Evaluasi Kreabilitas, Media Sosial, Tanggapan Individu, COVID-19. ABSTRACT This research has a formulation, namely to determine the effect of misinformation beliefs, conspiracy beliefs, religious misinformation beliefs and evaluation of credibility about COVID-19 on individual responses about COVID-19, which are based on response stimulus theory and resilience theory. The method used is non probability sampling with side accidental approach. Data analysis used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) which was processed using smartpls 3 software. The researchers distributed questionnaires to 190 respondents from the community of Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir Regency. This study produces an R Square value of 0.58. So it was concluded that the evaluation of the credibility and beliefs of religious misinformation was very good in individual responses to COVID-19 with a positive effect of 19.5% and 48.4%, as well as conspiracy beliefs and misinformation beliefs would come next and have a negative effect of -23.5% and -34.7%. Keywords: Misinformation, Credibility Evaluation, Social Media, Individual Responses, COVID-19.
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