This research is motivated by the lack of achievement of badminton athletes in South Sumatra, the lack of achievement can be seen from the PON championship for 2 years of implementation. The purpose of this study to find out how the Strategy of the Youth and Sports Office of South Sumatra Province in improving the achievement of badminton athletes. The theory used in this research is the theory by Akdon , which focuses on three dimensions namely, policies, programs, and activities. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used in this research were interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of the research that have been carried out show that the Strategy of the Youth and Sports Office of South Sumatra Province has been running quite well. The policies carried out by the Youth and Sports Office of South Sumatra Province are considered clear and precise with Government Regulation no. 16 of 2007. The badminton athletes' achievement improvement program is quite good. However, the lack of budget caused some activities not to be carried out. The activities that have been carried out are considered to be not good, this is due to the inconsistent implementation of PPLP activities which have been stopped since 2020, and Gubernur Super Series Sumsel badminton championship which has not been carried out in 2022. The activities that have been carried out are considered unsustainable between activities, this is based on not there are PPLP badminton athletes who continue in Pelatda activities.
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