The Correlation between teachers’ teaching style and students’ attitude in learning English of seventh grade students’ of SMP Negeri 8 Palembang
The main objectives of this thesis were (1) to find whether or not there is a correlation between teachers’ teaching style and student attitude, and (2) to find out how much the correlation was. And (3) What is the tendency of the teachers’ teaching style of the teaching of English SMP N 8 Palembang? This thesis was conducted at SMP Negeri 8 Palembang. The population of this study was teachers of English subject teaching the seventh grade students, and the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 8 Palembang in year academic 2013/2014. The total number of sample was 4 teachers of English and 279 students. The writer used the descriptive method because the writer described and analyzed the teachers’ teaching style and the students’ attitude in teaching and learning English. In collecting the data the writer used questionnaires. The findings of this research are: First, the teachers’ teaching style really affects students’ attitude in teaching learning activity based on the data that were calculated using SPSS version 17 method, The data shown relationships Teachers’ Teaching Style with Attitude of Students is 0,466 with the significant coefficient was 0, 00, that is less than 0, 05 (α) means that the correlation was very strong. It might be said that the correlation was influenced one to other. In other words, Variable x that was teachers’ teaching style strongly influenced to the students’ attitude that was variable Y. Second, the teacher of English could be said better when the students’ attitude is good. Third, when teachers prepare everything that they will carry to the class well, the students’ attitude during the class better too. In other words, the key point of good students’ attitude was the good teachers’ teaching style. The conclusion was teachers’ teaching style really influenced students’ attitude in teaching and learning English.
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