Pengaruh Periklanan Dan Penjualan Perorangan Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Membeli Sepeda Motor Merek Yamaha Di Kota Kayuagung
This research was conducted to analyze the influence of advertising and personal selling on customer decision in purchasing Yamaha motorcycle in Kayuagung. This research used primary data that obtained from questionnaire. Samples are taken from 100 people of Kayuagungresidents using Non-Probability Sampling methods and Purposive Sampling technique. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis, F Test and T test.The simultaneous test results (F) shows the value of FCountis 19,809 with significance value of 0,000. Independent variable of advertising and personal sellingboth simultaneously or partially have significant effect on customer’s purchasing decisions. The most dominant variable that influence the customer decisions in purchasing Yamaha motorcycle in Kayuagung is advertising variable (X1).
Keywords : Advertising, Personal Selling, Purchase Decision
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