Film is one of the mass media that people, especially young people, are interested in. Even movies can now be easily accessed on their respective smartphones. One of them is a sexy killer documentary. Documentary film that tells about the exploitation of coal mines in Kalimantan. The purpose of this study is to see the construction of discourse in the documentary sexy killer using the theory of Teun Discourse Analysis. A. Van Dijk. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The results show that in this film, the narrator narrows the space for the audience's interpretation with the narrative that is built and the scene that is created is more directed at discrediting the political elite who are none other than those involved in the 2019 presidential election. which implicitly tends to discredit politicians or governments. Whereas in the social context, there is control of discourse in Sexy Killers, especially through the issues presented in the film, which can influence and lead to social movements such as screening films or watching together, to discussing and dissecting the film.
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