This study discusses "The Role of the Aulia Cendikia Islamic Boarding School in the Life of the Talang Jambe Community". This study aims to determine the role of the Aulia Cendikia Islamic boarding school in the life of the Talang Jambe community. In particular, the purpose of this research is to find out the roles and constraints of Islamic boarding schools in people's lives by using the role concept according to J. Dwi Narwoko and Bagong Suyanto. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method. Retrieval of informants using purposive techniques. Data collection was carried out by observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of this study are that the role played by Islamic boarding schools in the life of the Talang Jambe community is manifested through roles in activities in the religious, social and educational fields. Through activities in the religious sector it is manifested through da'wah, recitation, tadarus, tahfidz and tahsin. In the field of education, this pesantren plays a role through formal education activities and formal education which specifically prohibits religion. Then in the social field such as carrying out mutual cooperation activities, helping orphans and poor people, providing monthly compensation and free learning (scholarships). The obstacles to Islamic boarding schools in carrying it out are the interest factor of parents who tend to prioritize public schools, while giving priority to al-Qur'an-based education. And also the factor of the child's own interest, there are still many students who are lazy and don't really take religious lessons because of a lack of motivation from within themselves. Then another obstacle is the difficulty of the management at the Aulia Cendekia Islamic Boarding School in several existing activities. Keywords: Role, Islamic Boarding School, Community
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